Universe Song

Authors note: Many days I reflect on the Greatness of God and the wonderful place He created for us humans to stay in the Universe and rejoice in His creation. Earth is a planet of our Sun and a magical place to view the universe and the total creation of flowers, animals, insects and domestic animals and the beauty of all the people of the world and the universe. We can breathe and live here on earth without the kind of pressure you experience in the universe: we are all stars in this place. Life is so beautiful that we all want to live our lives until the natural old age until death occurs.

Mattheus Frederik
4 min readNov 24, 2020

Author: Mattheus Frederik

Galaxy Song:https://youtu.be/UeXj1vWm0Uc


When God whisper I listen quietly to understand
I’m wanted to know what beauty the universe holds.
We were close, I could not let the feeling of happiness go or let it fade away.
You understand why I love softness and beauty, I know.

Leaning down, gently, you say my beloved
“The season is over I want to leave, view a new beautiful starry place.”
Sure you can go, but then you and I will sleep alone,
Though I’m yours I will drink my red wine,
And linger in thought on my own

When life walks, I see it in your body flow
It’s something in your style celebrating in creative brilliance.
You leaned into the wind and took all my wonder.
And like a million eyes, creation focuses on me!

You’re glimmering now; didn’t You say “I want you to leave with me”?
I love You so much; You know that’s what I want to do.

When creation sees, nothing’s in control
And beauty stays likewise in your way.
It will return my beloved when the energy changes.
And when it changes precisely, from youthful to old, I’ll go, I’ll go.
And dance the première in the universe with Thee!


Outeur’s Nota: Baie dae dink ek na oor die Grootheid van God en die wonderlike plek wat Hy vir ons mense geskep het om in die Heelal te bly en my te verheug in sy skepping. Die aarde is ‘n planeet van ons son en ‘n magiese plek om die heelal te besigtig en die totale skepping van blomme, diere, insekte en mak diere en die skoonheid van al die mense van die wêreld en die heelal kennis te maak. Ons kan asemhaal en hier op aarde leef sonder die soort druk wat ons in die heelal ervaar: ons is almal sterre op hierdie plek. Die lewe is so mooi dat ons almal wil lewe tot die natuurlike ouderdom en waar die dood plaasvind en ons hemel toegaan as ’n ander geestelike mens. Luister na die video, “Wie se kind is jy” en die mense is almal sterre!

Outeur: Mattheus Frederik

Wie se kind is jy: https://youtu.be/6MV4sVWoTmA


As God fluister, luister ek stil om te verstaan
Ek wou weet watter skoonheid die heelal inhou.
Ons was altyd naby, ek kon nie toelaat dat die gevoel van geluk verdwyn of vervaag nie.
U verstaan waarom ek van sagtheid en skoonheid hou, dit weet ek!

U leun saggies vooroor en sê my geliefde,
“Die seisoen is verby. Ek wil vertrek, pragtige sterre kyk.”
U kan seker gaan, maar dan sal ek alleen slaap,
Alhoewel ek aan U behoort, sal ek my rooiwyn drink,
En op my eie bly dink

As die lewe sy gang gaan, sien ek dit in U kreatiewe vloei
Dit is iets in U styl wat in briljantheid gevier word.
U het in die wind geleun en al my verwondering opgeneem.
En soos ‘n miljoen oë, fokus U skepping op my, op my!

U glinster nou; U het gesê “Ek wil hê jy moet saam met My vertrek”?
Ek is so baie lief vir U; dis wat ek wil doen.

As die skepping kyk, is niks in beheer nie
En skoonheid gedy ook op U manier!
Ek sal na U, my geliefde terugkeer wanneer die energie verander.
En as dit presies verander, van jeugdig na oud,
Sal ek na U toegaan, sal ek gaan, sal ek gaan.
En die première saam met U, in die heelal dans!



Mattheus Frederik
Mattheus Frederik

Written by Mattheus Frederik

Experience in Explosives, Fertilizers, Heavy Chemicals and Author. Love People, High Tech, Space and Afrikaans/English Translator.

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