Title: “The Cain Secure Prisoner Release Plan: Prioritizing Safety and Accountability”

Mattheus Frederik
3 min readMar 20, 2024

The Prime Minister of Israel has expressed strong opposition to Hamas’ plan, deeming it delusional and impractical due to the potential release of Palestinian prisoners who have committed serious crimes. The concern is understandable, as releasing individuals with such criminal backgrounds could pose significant risks to Israeli citizens.

However, it seems there might be an alternative plan in consideration, possibly involving the release of these prisoners under certain conditions after the hostages are freed. This suggests that while the Prime Minister is adamant about not allowing dangerous criminals back onto the streets unchecked, there may be room for negotiation or compromise under specific circumstances.

It’s crucial for any such plan to prioritize the safety and security of the Israeli population while also considering the broader political and humanitarian implications of prisoner exchanges and releases. Balancing these concerns is undoubtedly challenging, and it likely requires careful deliberation and strategic decision-making by Israeli authorities.

This plan prioritizes the principles of justice, accountability, and human dignity while also addressing the legitimate concerns of Israeli authorities regarding the release of dangerous criminals. By utilizing modern technology and community engagement strategies, it seeks to strike a balance between ensuring public safety and respecting the rights and dignity of all individuals involved.”

  1. Enhanced Biometric Measures: Explore the integration of more advanced biometric markers or technologies. This could involve incorporating facial recognition software, voice recognition, or even more sophisticated DNA analysis techniques to ensure accurate identification of individuals such as amputation and tattoo on the forehead!
  2. Real-Time Monitoring: Implement real-time monitoring systems that provide continuous tracking of released prisoners’ movements and activities. This could involve GPS tracking devices or other similar technologies to allow authorities to quickly respond to any deviations from prescribed conditions.
  3. Remote Supervision: Utilize remote supervision methods, such as video surveillance or virtual check-ins, to complement electronic tagging and monitoring devices. This would provide additional layers of oversight and accountability imposing restrictive physical limitations on the individuals.
  4. Stricter Conditions and Penalties: Enforce stricter conditions for release and impose severe penalties for any violations. This could include mandatory curfews, restricted areas, or specific behavioral requirements, with clear consequences for non-compliance.
  5. Interagency Collaboration: Foster closer collaboration between law enforcement agencies, intelligence services, and relevant stakeholders to facilitate information sharing and coordination in monitoring released prisoners. This would enhance the effectiveness of the monitoring and response efforts.
  6. Public Awareness and Reporting Mechanisms: Establish public awareness campaigns to educate communities about the released individuals and encourage reporting of any suspicious activities or violations. This would leverage the collective vigilance of society to enhance security measures.
  7. Regular Review and Evaluation: Conduct regular reviews and evaluations of the release program to identify weaknesses, assess effectiveness, and make necessary adjustments. This iterative process ensures that the system remains responsive to evolving security threats and challenges.
  8. Murder and rape: Reintroduce the death penalty
  9. Remove weapons and camouflage clothing: Remove all handheld weapons such as guns and knives including camouflage clothing from Gasa and dismantle rocket factories.
  10. Remove and destroy: All literature and School books promulgating Anti-Semitism

By incorporating these additional measures, authorities can further enhance the security and accountability of prisoner releases, mitigating risks to public safety while upholding principles of justice and human rights.

Author: Mattheus Frederik

Author’s Note: This plan is named the “Cain Secure Release Plan” about Cain who killed his brother and was then marked by God! Amputations and Tattooing must be such that the terrorist will not be able to shoot with any weapon and be able to rape again. Terrorists should pay the highest price for murdering and raping civilians!



Mattheus Frederik

Experience in Explosives, Fertilizers, Heavy Chemicals and Author. Love People, High Tech, Space and Afrikaans/English Translator.