This Love Obsession
What is this task, this angry need
This falling water, this alien seed
That rises in passion day by day
From wherever it came, I cannot speak
What is this something that bellows
This craving demon I cannot see
This frightful mood of possession
Evolving into a demented obsession
As times go by, I lose my thread
As obscure dreams, fill my head
With absurd notions of the kind
That daze the corners of my mind.
Like a current rushing to the sea
My soul pumps wild happiness
With demented illusions I betray
My ravaged mind in such a way
My craving foolishness calls your name
Hoping you may assume the same
Unless I vocalise, I will not know
That is whither? I cannot go.
My shattered heart quails on the edge
To catch the plunge and yet I believe
Rash review only takes me where
Perfect fools will only dare
Such a senseless passion cannot be
A sane and fitting destiny
As I lay bare my craving need
And reason’s sound I do not heed.
For, in the end, I have no alternative
As passion is not a silent voice
Though reasoning will continue
Plentiful possibilities to restrict