The Ugly, The Evil and The Good
Human Perspective
The world is majestic, and the Creator created what is around us with splendour. God the Secret, the Confidante, the Visitant has arrived when the presentation you face the world with is the presentation of the light, the look of mystery, magic, and passion. Humans are especially amazing. The Creation of Animals and Humanity did not always conform to how God wanted them to be.
Earth has been about for millions of years, and primitive people (Ugly) for a little fewer years and appear to have vanished along with the Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs were wiped from the face of the earth by a meteorite, many other living organisms and ape-like people killed. In retrospect, it appears that these living beings had little purpose as hunters and killing machines.
There was also a War in the Heavens, and Lucifer was removed and banned from his place in heaven. Lucifer landed in isolation in the Garden of Eden awaiting the finality ascribed to him by God.
The followers of Lucifer were placed and lived in the land around the Garden of Eden. This situation allowed the Angels of God to create more sophisticated Humanity where the followers of Lucifer lived. The Angels hoped that the mating between the Angel and the supporters of Lucifer would modify the minds of the Evil people and modify them to become honourable and right people, however, was not to be.
Evil, in many ways continued, was hateful and self-centred. Angels loved their creation and allowed the giants to take the women as wives as they were beautiful.
God was not happy with Humanity created by the Angels. God needed superhumanity, a conscious medium, a medium of knowledge and an eye for the Universe to sense itself. There are the cosmos, stars and galaxies, dark energy, space, earth, ocean, rocks and all the physical manifestations. Humans must be transparent that it perceives its environment and plans its development. God also did not want this Humanity to mix with the evil people and Lucifer’s followers.
God wanted Humanity principled and ethical, people
God was extremely upset with his own Adam and Eve creation because of their disobedience in the Garden of Eden not to associate with Lucifer, the Angel musician. (The tree of Good and Evil)
God did not destroy the people made by Angels, but the aftermath allowed the Evil and Good to associate outside the Garden of Eden freely.
After Cain killed his brother, he married a woman from the Angels created by the nation. Cain was also not the son of Adam, but the son of the Angel, Lucifer, that Eva had a sexual relationship within the Garden of Eden. (Eating from the Sacred Tree of Good and Evil).
Cain does not have a bloodline showing that he is the son of Adam!
As a result of the sin of Adam and Eve, God reduced their life-span with problems in between. Humanity does not experience life as a medium for the perception of the Universe. The Universe knows itself through God or the Cosmic understanding of the world. The only way for human existence to perceive, to experience, to live, is through living realities in Creation through training and self-development.
Perceptive person
What God wanted for all humanity in the presence of the human mind was to become superstars, insightful, useful beyond ideas, beyond machines, books and teachings. Think on your own feet; be your energy beyond concepts, beyond thoughts, beyond lessons. To me, the most exceptional instruction, the greatest testament to Humanity is free and available in the Garden of Eden.
Only some human beings will attain this level of perception in their life-span; Albert Einstein, Prof. Hawkins, Elon Musk, Prof. Christiaan Barnard, Cosmonauts and others.
Intelligence of Humanity
To achieve conclusively, what Humanity is without knowing, the relationship between the Intimate Spirit of God and the formless dimensions surrounding us, we need to appreciate or have a place in the scheme of things.
Humanity comes about only through seeing this relationship in realms beyond form and personhood.
Present consciousness
Present consciousness does not serve Humanity well. We need to confront the ever-present, arrogant belief what knowledge is, how to live as a human, what human life is about, and how a human is supposed to manage self. A person with an ordinary level of consciousness composed of emotional reactions, ideas, and beliefs taken from the past and other people, is a human reflection, an imitation, a crude attempt to become part of Humanity.
Human behaviour.
Forces are governing the life of the ordinary Human and rule out the presence of humans who have grown into the full potential of a superstar human. Living according to these principles, values, and influences we remain at a primitive stage of evolution, short of the possibility of being a genuinely mature, perceptive person that allows the acknowledgement of Humanity that causes conflict, suffering, tensioning, and problems in our lives.
We must establish what a human being is, how he conducts life, what principles govern the presence of such a person, and what kind of life a mature person lives.
Faces of a Human Being.
A human being has two faces. Most people know one aspect, called the pose of the day. Human beings also have a hidden look, the posture of the night. The Visitant has arrived when the presentation you face the world with is the presentation of the night, the examination of mystery, magic, and passion.
The Secret, the Confidante, will not arrive unless all kneel in prayer to Him. Kneel in prayer, with your mind, your heart, your body, your soul, your essence, the Universe at God’s disposal. Everything has to kneel, ready and accessible to the honour of God!.
Don’t pray for yourself; you can only pray for it unquestionably. The prayer is passionate love, so intense in its sweetness that it will consume you completely.
Spiritual connection with God
We have two options: being in contact with God, or being in a state of disconnection from it. Being disconnected from God, this loss lies at the very heart of human suffering because God constitutes your most real strength, the exact centre of who you are.
Without it, life is frozen in all its aspects and becomes meaningless.
We don’t merely lose peace or contentment or the intimacy of feeling at home with ourselves. Still, we also lose the heart of all the real functions that we deal with to live our lives fully and correctly is not a small loss or only a reflective one; it is a convenient and immediate one.
Pure Human.
You cannot be a genuine human person if your outer life does not correspond to your profile. If there is a contradiction between your emotional experience and your behaviour towards others, a significant distortion is taking place.
If you know specific values but behave according to other sensitivities, you value only certain parts of reality. Still, when it comes to actual living, you throw those values out the window, an extraordinary severing takes place that will frustrate you and trouble others around you.
This work is not about realizing yourself, feeling fantastic and forgetting about everyone else. It is the very strength of being a mature human being to respect others as real human beings, too.
If you want to experience what it is like to be a genuine human person, you need to live like one, regardless of how difficult it is. The work involves friction between principles, ideas and beliefs that come with you and the laws of the profession. The process will make you understand and realize previously unknown parts of yourself. Change your behaviour, and work consciously and continuously to strive for your goal.
Our Shortcomings
Vast dimensions of our profession reveal to us and teach us something about reality and experience. We learn that fact has real strength.
The concept of pure excellence is constituted by a supreme person, which is an overlapping, superior concept. I am leaving it obscure on purpose.
Real strength is purity and freedom. Most people experience things that way. We could explain this by saying, “they are not aware of it.” But when we understand reality or authentic energy, we realize that people don’t exist the way we think they do. We attribute that to people not understanding. But when we blame somebody for not realizing it that way, we ascribe to them an independent existence apart from the supreme person. They don’t have that; nobody does. So actually, it is the individual.
An individual does a lot on his own because he is a manifestation of God with his own discretion. Most people know what is right and what is wrong. So we are being blamed for most of our shortcomings.
The Emotional Journey Home.
To be human is a treasure, incomparable and inconceivable. Objectivity is a precious diamond and his personhood a pearl beyond price. When his personhood becomes intentional, he is a superstar.
The Characteristics of the Human Being
The soul is classified as the self and includes the clear-headed person and experience as pure and perfect spiritual ground. An inquiry-based approach to the knowledge of the soul discovered the strength of the living human organism in the ever-changing, multi-dimensional realm of Man.
The medium of perception and realization explores the individual soul and knowledge, action, and awareness for the human being to manifest possibilities as a dynamic, intelligent, alive, and pure enlightenment.
The enlightenment drive embodies and expresses the dynamism of Humanity and reveals continuous illumination and awareness. The human being is continuously emerging, in the sense of what it is, in terms of how it experiences itself, to perceive itself more thoroughly. You are, as an individual, the means and realization of understanding individuals, the means through which man gets to know itself, to perceive itself, and gets to recognize its enlightenment.
Runaway Realization
Experience expands, the Human recognizes the totality of his personality aligned with the totalities of all the people he knows and has known. It becomes clear that his character is a part of a comprehensive network that includes all Humanity.
The Human Spirit recognizes the immensity of the concealment he carried. The tremendous weight of secrecy muffles the experience of self, the extent of the task of self-realization, which involves becoming free from all this conditioning.
Point of Existence
Little knowledge exists in the Modern World about how to develop into a real Human Being.
An essential consequence of the understanding of the Personal Essence is a new perception of the life led by most people, the knowledge of spiritual truth or a vital element at the heart of all “self”.
Most humankind is not astray in the usual sense of the word but perusing something valuable and precious. The difficulty is that Humans do not know where to find it. The qualities of the personal God-like qualities are fullness, autonomy, competence, respect, dignity, integrity, excellence, maturity, harmony and completeness, among others.
There are very little knowledge and guidance in the modern world about how to develop into such a sincere person.
Man settles for imitation or incomplete development, which is the personality of an ego. Understanding that ego is a reflection, or a replica, of an actual reality makes it possible to connect to this reality.
One need not go to the typical spiritual root of abandoning one’s personal life and the values of that life. Still, instead, one must look deeply into those values and explore the real certainty that they are offering.
“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen from me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.”
(Philippians 4: 8,9)