The Population Tree of Adam And The Old World
Genesis 1:16
Cain departed from the Lord’s presence and went to live in the land of Nod, east of Eden.
Reread the above verse! The Lord’s presence is where God lived. The land of Nod was a place where “the other people”, created by the Sons of God and Angels, lived.
Ancient History and Genesis date to Adam’s birth in 4027 BC and that it happened in Nagada, 15 miles south of Thebes in Egypt. In 4000 BC, Nagada was a small port town about 1 km apart, which had enough food to support about 100 people per square kilometre. By 3600 BC a walled village with cemeteries stood in the heart of Nagada with rectangular mud houses and more substantial, palace-like buildings. Many residents were not farmers. They were merchants, officers, and artisans who lived in permanent towns. All made possible by improved farms that supported about 1,000 people per square kilometre. They cleaned trees, planted dense grass, dives, and dug grain channels and did many other things modern farmers still do today.
(Ancient Civilizations — Scarre & Fagan p94) Cambridge) Ancient History and Genesis — Feyerick, The Chronology was from 3500 BC to 3300 BC)
This research shows that Scripture in Genesis refers to the first accurate population tree of humanity, “the other people”.
Genesis 6: 1–2
Over time, people on earth have multiplied a lot. There were also daughters born to them.
The godson (Sons of God) noticed how beautiful the daughters of men were. They chose them as women.
Genesis 6: 5–6
The Lord saw the scale of the wickedness of humanity on earth. He noted that their thoughts were always evil. The Lord was sorry that He made man on earth. It grieved Him deeply.
From the above verse, it is clear that God was not only saddened by Adam and Eve’s disobedience but also by the general decline of humanity living around the Garden of Eden and elsewhere or on earth. It confirms the author’s comment earlier that God was angry when he said:
“Let’s make one that matches us” then we can’t help asking the following questions !:
• Were there other people with whom God was dissatisfied and who did not conform to the physical and spiritual image of God? Would God create new people who would obey Him?
• If there were other people through whom were they created? Observations from the Old and New Testaments indicate that Satan is always trying to interfere with God’s creation as he did in the Garden of Eden!
The Bible Code: Man, Man
Genesis 1:26
God said, “Let us make a man who agrees with us to rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the domestic animals, the beasts, and all that creeps on the earth… “
Genesis 1:27
God created man by himself; according to his image, God created them; male and female He created them.
We read in Genesis 1:26 about “man”, then in Genesis 1:27 we read about “man”. It may seem like an insignificant distinction to make until one remembers that “God is YHWH, the one true God, while” God “can be an angel in Bible terminology:
John 1: 1
The Word appeared in the flesh.
What we have heard from the beginning, what we have seen with our eyes, which we have seen, and what we have grasped with our hands concerning the Word of life and life is revealed. We have seen it, and we bear witness and declare unto you the eternal life which was with the Father, and which revealed unto us, which we have seen and heard, we say unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us; our friendship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ.
And we write these things unto you, that your joy may be full.
No one has ever seen God the Father; The only-begotten God who is in the Father’s bosom is the one who has revealed him.
The only begotten God is Jesus, but God is YHWH. Jesus is a God in the sense that all angels are Gods, that is the meaning of what John 10 below and Psalm 82 say to the Jews:
John 10: 33–35
The Jews answered Him: “It is not about some particular action that we want to stone you, but about blasphemy. You who are a man do yourself as God. “
Jesus replied again: “Is it not recorded in your law that God said, “You are gods”? If those people who have received God’s message are called gods — Scripture’s statement cannot be broken!
Psalm 82:33
I did say, “You are gods, sons of the Highest.”
But no! You will die like a man, like any ruler you will fall. “
Moses explains:
Deuteronomy 10:17
The Lord, your God, is the God of the gods and the Lord of the Lord. He is the great God, powerful and awesome. He is not partisan and also does not accept bribes.
For the Lord, your God is the God of the gods and the Lord of the Lord, the great, mighty and fear-inspiring God who cannot treat with bias or bribes.
Paul explained fully:
1 Corinthians 8: 5–6
Even though, according to some, there would be gods in heaven and on earth yes, there are indeed many called “God” and “Lord”, but for us, there is only one God, our Father from whom everything comes. And our lives are directed at Him.
There is one God the Father, from whom everything is, and we are for Him; And there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things and we are through Him
Keeping in mind this subtle distinction, “the God” is a different being to all the other gods with a similar title. And “God,” as “man”, Adam, is another being to all the other people who lived around the Garden of Eden, in the time of creation, who also bore the title of “man”, and that’s basic humanity. The exact Hebrew interlinear translation of Genesis 1: 26–27 as follows:
Genesis 1 KJV
And God said, Let us make man in our image, in our likeness.
Genesis 1:26 NWT
And God said, Let us make man in our image according to our likeness.
The other-world dweller ‘man’ was created by ‘us’ (God and Angels) in ‘our image’ (the image of God and angels) according to ‘our parable’ (God and Angels), in a picture of different divine beings but “man” (Adam) is created by “God” in God’s image, an image of “one divine being” polite plural (God-Elohim).
The distinction made above is that the “man” is “generic,” created by a variety of gods, and made in the “image” of a variety of gods, “in their image,” while Adam, which is unique and the “Covenant Child” of God is made by God Himself and made in the image of God, YHWH.
“Man” stands for the other Earth dwellers Homosapiens, who were the Cro-Magnon man, and “man” for the one-time Adam. God was angry with the other earthly people’s fall into sin and caused the wrath of God! Adam was a direct first generation son of God, while the other earth dwellers were the children of the angels/gods. They were images of God. And just as God was much more intelligent than the angels/gods, Adam was so much smarter than the other-earthly people! At the command of God, Adam also reigned over them. The Creationist Religion regards the creation of Adam as the beginning of their Religion, that is true, but they disregard the fact that there were other people around Eden born thousands of years ago and which can read in the pages of earth archaeology. There were other people before us, and the dinosaurs existed. Our earth is also ancient.
The other-earthly people were not blessed, and the animals were not submissive to them! But Adam was blessed and submissive to every living creature, which included the other people. Not only that, but Adam is commanded by God to fill the earth, and he did it.
Other people inhabited the land for a pre-period of 5 to 7 million years when Adam appeared in the 4027 BC (McEvedy, Atlas of World Population).
Adam was created in God’s image, rather than in the image of God, which was the image of angels. Adam, the first man, created God himself, was a new kind of man and there was only one of him. Just like God, Adam was the first spiritual being, and initially, there was only one of him. Adam was a direct son of God, not a son of a son of God. In this way, Adam was similar to the first-born angel who was Satan. Adam was Satan’s direct brother. Satan is the first-born angel and the only other direct son of God, and he (Satan) had first-born patriarchal rights throughout creation and did not want to share his rights with Adam. In it, Satan’s jealousy manifested.
At first glance, the three verses in Genesis 1: 26,27,28 seem to be a repetitive account of man’s creation. But let’s examine these three verses more closely as they enclose the secret of our existence. Here is a comparative table of the successive verses in Genesis and what is meant by it:
26 God said, “Let us make a man who agrees with us to rule the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the domestic animals, the beasts, and all that crawl on the earth.”
27 God created man by himself; according to his image, God created them; male and female He created them.
28 God blessed them by saying, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. Subject earth and rule the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the beasts of the earth. “
31 God looked at his handiwork, and it was excellent. All this God made on the sixth day.
Are verses 27 and 28 merely a repetition of the creative act of verse 26? Verses 27 and 28 are the creation of something other than verse 26. In verse 26, the nature of human earth dwellers because the verse says:
God said, “Let us make one that matches us.”
Verse 27 is the creation of the man Adam and his wife Eve. Adam created in the image of God!
“God created a man according to himself; according to his image, God created them”.
In verse 27, God does not speak to anyone but goes directly over and into action and creates Adam in his image. Does creation in verse 26 relate to the nature of other people by angels under the direction of God?
Adam was the first-generation son of God just as Satan was. God is perfect, and the angels are not; it is, therefore, two different images and thus, two different creations.
The other terrestrial man was not blessed, Adam was. Adam was blessed with the use of power so that he could fill the earth and rule with authority over all living creatures, including the other Earth dwellers on earth. Adam filled the ground; the other earth dwellers didn’t.
To prove categories to the fact that the other terrestrial inhabitants did exist, we must consider the position of Cain, who was worried after killing Abel, that he would also suffer the same fate. But by whom? Cain murdered Abel before Seth was born. If there were no other people in the world, there was none other than Adam, Eve and Cain.
Genesis 4:25
Adam slept with his wife again, and she brought a son to life. She called him Seth, for she said, “God has given me another son in place of Abel who was killed by Cain.”
Genesis 5: 3–7
When Adam was 130 years old, his son Seth was born. He was the image of his Father. After the birth of Adam, Adam lived another 800 years. He also had other sons and daughters. He was 930 years old when he died.
When Set was 105 years old, his son Enos was born. After the birth of Enos, Set lived 807 years. He also had other sons and daughters. He was 912 years old when he died.
As further proof, Paul’s words in Ephesians 1: 4 consider
Ephesians 1: 4
By what Christ did, God chose us. Because He loves us, He has chosen us, before the world, to be His and to live blamelessly in love before Him.
Cain slept with his wife; she became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Cain built a city and named it after his son Enoch.
Enoch was the Father of Irad and Irad was the Father of Megujael. Megujael was the Father of Metusael. Methusael was the Father of Lamech.
Lamech married two women, Ada and Silla and Ada was the mother of Jabal. He was the ancestor of cattle dwellers living in tents. His brother’s name was Jubal. He was the ancestor of the musicians playing on the harp and flute, and Tubal-Cain was the son of Zillah. He was the ancestor of the metalworkers who made instruments of copper and iron.
One day, Lamech told Ada and Silla his two wives:
“Women of Lamech, hear what I say to you!
Listen to what I say. A man who wounds me, I kill,
yes, even a young man attacking me.
Cain’s death avenged seven times, but Lamech’s seventy-seven times! Adam slept with his wife again, and she brought a son to life. She called him Seth, for she said, “God has given me another son in place of Abel who was killed by Cain.” Seth also had a son whom he called Enos. At this time, people began worshipping the Lord.
Science: The So-called Missing Link.
The difference in ‘observation’ between science and the writers of the Word, God, causes many gaps between the two groups. However, there are many similarities when comparing scientific inventions with the truths of the Bible:
Examples are that humans created at the end of the Genesis Creation
“God said,” Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the fowls of the heavens, and overall the beasts that creep upon the earth. “It’s so!
There is evidence in the Bible and the Science that there were others during and before Adam and Eve’s creation!
There are significant similarities between science and the Bible in the creation days.
The Bible and science could not yet prove that the doctrine of evolution is true! The so-called “missing link” has never been confirmed or detected.
Has man developed? Or is he a created being? This debate has been raging for years and has confused many Bible readers. God’s Word is evident on the subject.