The Noblewoman From The Tower.
The alienation, archetypal, Platonic intensity and depth of this movie is rare and eternal.
The profoundly genial, absolutely immense, infinitely single, orphaned, and silent boy understands the world, and Malena more than scores of others on the calm horizon of things, the tides of the wave of ancient, befriended longing and passion, the real dark depth of the sea, with all the deeply broken agreements involved. He is true to unbelievable lengths, Love’s deep feathers and wings, Life’s summer and autumn hand in hand, and she is that dilute, naked, wounded, veiled form of beauty. To live like that is more than enough, while to love is never enough. The romantic, epistemic, and existential lone measure of it all… It is heart-shattering to see this alienated boy and tragic genius. I am the boy in the excessive perpetual rain of much understanding, too much human, and too much knowledge.
Maléna —The Noblewoman From The Tower.
Landscape caressed by sunrise
You came along
And walked past in silence
Your eyes flashed in mistrust to me
The gorgeous princess in the beautiful dress
Your image breathes the softest satin
Give me water
God let it rain
Rinse away the craving mind
I dream your heart beats like mine
And the stars shine and shine
Together we will climb mountains
Until the end, I’ll stand with you.
On the sand dune, next to the sea
Did I dream about you?
I desire you with my soul
And the recorded music about you
Thrown into the sea
My angel left me behind
Full-year wait for you
Then I saw you walking down the road again
You dropped your bag of oranges and I picked it up
I will never forget your secret smile
And you gave me money to buy a recording of music again
I dream your heart will beat like mine
Like the light in your eyes in which the stars shine
But your gratitude was not love
There was another man at your side
The grief was overwhelming
And I had to forget about my dream
Malena — The Noblewoman From The Tower.
Landskap gestreel deur sonsopkoms
Het sy aangestap gekom
En in stilte in pad verbygestap
Haar oë in wantrou vir my geflits
Die pragtige prinses in die mooi rok
Haar beeld asemhaling van sagte satyn
Gee my water
God laat dit reën
Spoel die drang gedagtes weg
Ek droom haar hart klop soos myne
En die sterre skitter en skyn
Saam sal ons berge klim
Tot die einde toe, sal ek by haar staan.
Op die sand duin, Langs die see
Het ek oor haar gedroom
Haar met my siel begeer
En die plaatmusiek oor haar
In die see weg gegooi
My engel het my agtergelaat
Volle jaar vir haar gewag
Toe sien ek haar weer in die pad aanstap
Sy het haar sak lemoene laat val en ek het dit opgetel
Haar geheime glimlag sal ek nooit vergeet
En sy het my geld gegee om weer ‘n plaatmusiek te koop
Ek droom haar hart sal soos myne klop
Soos die lig inhaar oë waarin die sterre skin
Maar haar dankbaarheid was nie liefde nie
Daar was ‘n ander man aan haar sy
Die hartseer was oorweldigend
En moes ek van my droom vergeet.