The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
You… with your song, courage and smile
Inexplicably overwhelming to me
Even on that first date
I long fought to get your attention
I not once judged the significances
All the unfamiliar emotions inside me
Our disclosures made with a shy laugh.
We get to know each other’s tones
One at a time we played the music.
Abruptly I realize the effect of you on me
The butterflies in my belly
The sadness when you had to leave
The lamenting of a long, intense night
Make me understand that you are the one I want
Despite the difficult times awaiting us
Do you feel the same way about me
What is the answer I want to know?
Place you and me on the same side
Like a firework’s spectacle in the night
You stole my heart
Author: Mattheus Frederik