The Effect of Change
The Sun shone in the Master’s eyes
The litmus of changing from young to wisdom
Time to leave things behind
Touch the creator's hand
Music Video:
Author: Mattheus Frederik
Note From Author: The Butterfly
Creating the Butterfly, God called his Angels together with a glint in the eye! Children of God, God exclaimed! I created a magical complete metamorphosis of one of my creations that will stun you. The butterfly’s life cycle changes in detail in four stages of life, but you will not identify the butterfly age as we do with the sons and daughters of God.
The life of an exotic butterfly goes through 4 stages: egg, larva, pupa and butterfly. Each step has a different goal: caterpillars eat, and butterflies reproduce. The continuous life cycle of a butterfly displays an unsurpassed beauty like the beauty of our women, dressed in the satin of the pupa, opening her wings to enfold the angels of God. And then God asked that stunned Angels:
Do You Know Any Other Gods or Angels That Can Create
“The Butterfly Complete Metamorphosis like I did!”