The Bushveld Thorn
In a hole there under the bushveld thorn
a dwarf man has his home.
Its walls are golden yellow clay,
And the shimmering floor, gravel.
The lamps are petite fireflies,
that sparkles like sunshine
When the shade of dusk falls
And the sun’s brightness leaves.
The seats are crystals,
that shines under the lights;
The table an enormous mushroom,
With his shaft settled into the gravel.
Cushions most elegant snow-white satin
Stolen from the Wagtail nest;
door-curtain Mongoose skin,
delicate with a fine weave.
Here the dwarf lives in the years
Where no one will ever disrupt him;
The dwarf and wife come out,
remove life-giving water from the font.
C. Louis Leipoldt
Translated from Afrikaans: Mattheus Frederik