Mattheus Frederik
10 min readJul 10, 2019


Credit — Unsplash


People of the world must speak up to the lies about White South African people, the propaganda of the Black government towards whites, and tell the true story of what happened since 1652 in South Africa. Did the White Government have an African National Congress peace partner in 1994?

There was no such thing as the ANC Peace Partner?

The White Government and Opposition Parties

Everyone in the White Parties had different opinions. Some wanted to give land for peace. Some thought it was absurd and would never work. There were members of the White Government who believed that the White Government had suppressed the “blacks” and there were members who thought it was all lies. The fact that so many different kinds of people and opinions existed in the white government and opposition parties proves that the government was democratic, equal and free country. The government aimed to rule a white state and provide the same facilities to Zulus, Xhosas and all other black people and to accommodate some blacks in the white government.

Apartheid was a governmental and cultural system in South Africa during the era of the white minority government. It enforced separation with non-whites, mainly focused on ethnicity. It existed in the twentieth century, from 1948 to early 1990s. The word Apartheid means “separate” in the Afrikaans language. Segregation has existed for centuries in Southern Africa, but when the National Party instituted apartheid legislation in 1948; It strictly implemented and regulated.

The ethnicity assigned to each homeland was:

• Bophuthatswana — Tswana

• Ciskei and Transkei — Xhosa

• Gazankulu — Shangaan and Tsonga

• Kwazulu-Zulu

• Lebowa — Pedi and North Ndebele

• Qwa Qwa — Basotho

• Venda — Venda

In 1970, the Bantu Homelands Act was adopted, which made black people in South Africa allowed citizens in a specific homeland, according to the ethnicity they laid down in the population register.

While the plan was that all ten homelands would eventually become “independent” (again freedom not recognised by the rest of the world), only four ever did: the Transkei in 1976, Bophuthatswana in 1977, Venda in 1979 and Ciskei in 1981.

Under the scheme, the people of South Africa divided by their ethnicity, and the different races were required to live separately. There were laws in place to ensure compliance with segregation.

The apartheid arrangement in South Africa was abolished in 1994 when a new constitution was ratified, which removed the previous separation method. But this was not enough, not “entitlement” to take it “All”.

The last president who was in the apartheid era was Frederik Willem de Klerk; who was responsible for negotiations with political prisoner Nelson Mandela to end Apartheid. Following these successful agreements, Nelson Mandela was elected to the Presidency of South Africa after elections were held in April 1994 and became the first black person to hold the position. The two received the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts.

Today, the term apartheid sometimes used for similar segregation systems in other countries. The British are trying to leave the European Union (Brexit), the wall between the US and Mexico, and the Apartheid of the Palestinians and the Jews is seen as agreements with the system Apartheid.

When De Klerk called on whites to enter into a general election to vote on the proposed negotiations with all black people on the future of Apartheid, they did so and more than two-thirds agreed and accepted the New Constitution for South Africa.

Statistics showed that Whites were generally very happy with the outcome of the Elections as they were also tired of the ongoing bad news Apartheid received Worldwide.

To this day, the white people of South Africa did not receive any thanks from South African Black people. The black propaganda war that raged before 1994 continues to anger until today.

The Rainbow Nation does not exist.

The picture the leftist paint white government and the “black” people are nothing but a lie. And, historically, there was a “Black” government provided in the Black states in the vicinity of South Africa. These governments were happy to rule themselves.

The Government’s Peace Partner, the ANC sat at the negotiating table to manage the situation to ensure their political power as an effect of their greed!

Some whites believed that if whites make concessions to the other side, then terrorism would stop, then there would be peace. But this is not true and has not proved the truth in history. The white government did not have a peace partner. Because the White Government’s so-called peace partner (ANC) doesn’t care about the country, they don’t care about peace. They keep on opposing the Afrikaners and help themselves in everything in South Africa. It’s so intense, but the world refuses to believe it. Many white South Africans left South Africa!

And the fact is virtually and historically that a small group of so-called “black” people throughout South African history tried to seize power. Electricity Payments Boycotted by minority ANC terrorists before 1994 have systematised, led to a continuation of this “attitude of justification not to pay for homes, land and electricity” and this “attitude of justice” has been well bred.

Eskom generator deprived of millions of rands due to electricity theft. And on top of this problem, 17 million people receive pension and child allowances. The primary sport in South Africa is to conceive children to enable parents to claim benefits that allow them not to work.

Millions of people from border states work in South Africa to replace domestic workers who do not want to work. Aside from the problems established in ordinary people, government theft through State Capture led to the bankruptcy of most state-owned companies and South Africa.

One hundred thirty-one state-owned companies in South Africa managed on behalf of the public. Most of these companies are mismanaged and used for self-enrichment. The prominent companies are the following:

• Eskom-Bankrupt

• S A Airways-Bankrupt

• SABC-Bankrupt

• Denel-Bankrupt

• Water Affairs- Bankrupt

• Health-Bankrupt

• The police-Poorly trained and disorganised

Former British governments have manipulated South Africa Black propaganda against white people since the Boer Anglo war.

The British government, pre-1994, provided excellent examples of what propaganda procedures to follow, forcing the Afrikaner enemy to relent, to enable the British in their greed to rape Africa, from its valuables.

Lies perpetrated by the Anti-Apartheid campaign included the following:

Black people won the bush war in Angola and gave the South Africans a resounding lesson in warfare in Angola. Cuito Cannavale annually celebrated. The ANC, Angola or any black state, including Cuba, won any war against South Africa. South Africa gave “the land” away for peace!

There are many other lies but not enough space to discuss them all!

The following propaganda procedures were used throughout the Anti-Apartheid campaign to discredit whites.


Is the practice of masking the supporters of a message or situation (e.g., political, advertising, religious or public relations) to make it look as though it is ethnicity and supported by people on the ground. It is a practice designed to give statements or businesses credibility by withholding information about the source’s financial relationship. The term astroturfing originated from AstroTurf, a trademark of synthetic rugs intended to look real grass, as a play on the word “grassroots”. The meaning behind the use of the term is that, instead of a “true” or “natural” solitary effort behind the particular activity, a “false” or “artificial” support is present.

Black Legend.

A historiographic phenomenon in which a sustained tendency in historical writing of biased reporting and introduction of fabricated, exaggerated and decontextualised facts directed against particular persons, nations or institutions to create a distorted and unique inhuman image of them while hiding them positively.

Augmentations to history. The name was first used by French writer Arthur Levy in his 1893 work Napoleon Intime, in contrast to the phrase “Golden Legend” which had been circulating since the publication of a book of that name in the Middle Ages.

Historian Manuel Fernández Álvarez defined a black legend as:

“The deliberate distortion of the history of a nation committed by its enemies to fight it better. And as angry as possible, to achieve a specific goal: the moral disqualification of the country, whose supremacy is attached to make fighting possible. “

- as quoted in Alfredo Alvar’s book, La Leyenda Negra (1997: 5)

Although black titles can be committed against any nation or culture, the term “The Black Legend” specifically refers to “The Spanish Black Legend” when it is not qualified otherwise.

The theory that anti-white political propaganda from the 20th century or earlier, whether over Spain, South Africa, was sometimes “absorbed and transformed into broad stereotypes” which assumed that South Africa was “uniquely bad”.

The absorption of political propaganda and direct manufacturing in the mainstream academic interpretations of South African history, with their use to hide or compensate for awkward facts about other nations, led to a systematic repetition of such anti-white bias and distortions.

General examples of this include the fictions of how Boer’s treated English miners in Johannesburg before the Anglo Boer War and the relationship between Boer and British colonists in South Africa. The British also played the race card against the Boer People.

In the framework, denial and deception saw as separate but complementary efforts. Denial involves most security and concealment to prevent foreign agents, photographic surveillance, electronic monitoring or even the media from revealing mysterious diplomatic or military affairs.

Lying is the construction of a false reality for the adversary by intentional “leak” misinformation, fake stories implemented in the media, dummy or lure structures or military formations, or any other measures.

A denial and deception campaign is most effective when numerous denials and misleading efforts are coherently coordinated to promote a specific plan; However, most effective such operations are very complex, with many people or parties, and can be extremely difficult.

The South African President (Cyril Ramaphosa) recently claimed on Bloomberg TV that “there are no farm attacks and no farmers attacked in South Africa. The question is “why did Ramaphosa tell such a blatant lie? The answer is: He believed that the world would “believe him” in terms of the propaganda he was taught by his communist trainers!

A false flag

False Flag is a secret operation design to deceive a Community; The deception creates the appearance of a particular party, group or nation responsible for an activity, which disguises the real source of responsibility.

Activities carried out by organisations during peacetime, as well as secret government agencies, can also be called (for amplification) false flag operations if they are trying to hide the real organisation behind a process.

Information Warfare (IW)

IW is a concept that includes the use and management of information and communication technology (ICT) in the pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent.

Information warfare is the manipulation of information that is trusted by a target without the objective of the goal so that the purpose will make decisions against their interest but in the interest of the one who is carrying out information war.

As a result, it is not clear when information warfare begins, ends, and how strong or destructive it is. Information warfare may include the collection of tactical information, insurance (s) that are proprietary data, propaganda dissemination or disinformation to demoralise or manipulate the enemy and the public, the quality of the opposing forces’ information and denial of information collection. Opportunities for opposing forces. Information warfare linked to psychological warfare. The United States’ military focus tends to benefit technology and is therefore likely to expand into the world of electronic warfare, cyberwar, information security and computer networking, attacks and defence.

Most of the rest of the world uses the much broader term of “Information Operations” which, while making use of technology, focuses on the more human-related aspects of information use, including (among others) social networking analysis, decision-making analysis and the human elements of command and control.

Psychological warfare (PSYWAR)

The essential aspects of modern mental activities (PSYOP), is known by many other names or terms, including MISO, PsyOps, political warfare, “Hearts and Minds” and propaganda. The time is used to indicate an action that is mainly applied by psychological methods to challenge a planned psychological response in different people.

Several techniques are used and aimed at changing a target audience’s value system, belief system, emotions, motives, reasoning or behaviour. It is used to promote confessions or to promote attitudes and behaviours that favour the goals of ethnicity and sometimes combined with black operations or fake flag tactics. It is also used to defeat the morale of enemies through tactics aimed at pushing the psychological states of troops.

Target audiences can be governments, corporations, groups and individuals, and are not limited to soldiers. Foreign nationals can also be targeted by technology and media to bring about an impact on their country’s government.

Jacques Ellul discusses emotional warfare as a common peace policy practice among nations as a form of implied offensive.

This type of propaganda drains the collective opinion of an opposing regime by taking its power away from public view. This form of attack is difficult to defend because no international court of law can protect against psychological attack, legally.

“Here are the propagandists who are dealing with a strange adversary whose morality he wants to destroy psychologically so that the opponent begins to dispute the validity of his beliefs and actions.”

There is evidence of psychological warfare in recorded history. In modern times, subjective warfare efforts extensively used. Mass communication allows for direct contact with an enemy population and has therefore used in many attempts. In recent times, the Internet offers disinformation and wrong information campaigns offered by agents worldwide.

A whispering campaign

A whispering campaign is a method of persuasion in which harmful rumours or innuendo are spread over the target, while the source of the stories tried while they are being distributed (for example, a political campaign can spread anonymous flyers that attack the other candidate).

A whispering campaign is generally regarded as unethical in open societies, especially about public policy. The speed and anonymity of communication made possible by modern technologies such as the Internet have increased public awareness of whistleblowing campaigns and their ability to succeed. This phenomenon also has to lead to the failure of whispering campaigns, as those they want to do can make their existence much more readily than in the past.

Whisper campaigns defended in some circles as an effective mechanism for suspects who have no other resources to attack the powerful.

The author: The above is the tip of the iceberg. Please note that Cyril Ramaphosa is the critical personality trying to destroy the Afrikaner that is not Racist, destroy the Afrikaner language, destroy schools and Universities and take the Afrikaner land without compensation. Please do not allow Cyril Ramaphosa to run his course and do not give him Money! Loans will not be repaid.

Tribute to South African Farmers. More than 3000 Farmers killed in 25 years of ANC Government. Fifty-seven people murdered in South Africa daily, which included 200 truck drivers.

Mattheus Frederik



Mattheus Frederik
Mattheus Frederik

Written by Mattheus Frederik

Experience in Explosives, Fertilizers, Heavy Chemicals and Author. Love People, High Tech, Space and Afrikaans/English Translator.

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