Scientific proof of God’s existence
The main trait of GOD is that he is the almighty creator of Heaven and also of Earth. God is also the creator of all living organisms. Every living organism is made up of many Complex Functional Systems under which the following examples are: Our Eyes, Our Brains, Our Digestive System, Our Nervous System, Our Blood Circulation, Our Skin, Lungs, Kidneys, Our Embedded Physical and Psychological Observation Systems etc.!
The human body consists of literally thousands of complex functioning systems that surpass the human mind and man cannot imitate it. The biological, social networks created by God work perfectly.
Applications (AP) technological inventions are but a contemporary human development that humbles one as a stock-taking of God’s application technology, intelligence, knowledge and wisdom burns into your mind;
I also believe that the applications God has established in man and nature have made some scientists claim that God not needed in the life cycles of humans, animals and nature. For example, and it will make you sit upright,
God created man and added an application to ensure that man will continue to produce offspring to ensure that man remains precious as if God were present every time. The same happens with the continuous re-creation of stereo-planets, plants and animals. God is omnipresent.
Just think of all the “short and long term information and images/photos” that can be stored by the human brain! It is no wonder that older adults can still recall images and incidents from their childhood where they are stored in their minds and say;
“I remember it as if yesterday or recently!”
The miracle of the human body.
The working and complexity of the physical body is unparalleled and cannot be replaced by current technology that has the same function and functional outcome as the “real thing” created by God! Body parts and organs of donors can be transplanted, but it is still God’s technology. Transplant technology is something else and is thought to make transplants possible. There are a total of 79 organs in the human body, divided into 13 major organ systems and seven local groups. Of those organs, five are considered essential organs. They are the heart, brain, lungs, kidneys and liver.
Incredible cells
Imagine a hot summer day on which you spent too much time in the sun. Maybe your skin was a little red or even severely burnt by the Sun. Over the next few days, a necessary process takes place that cures your body of excessive exposure.
Through several procedures, your skin heals its damaged cells and replaces it with new, healthy cells.
Your whole body, including your skin, eyes, organs and brain, consists of cells. It consists of more than 250 different types of cells, totalling about 100 trillion cells. The design of each kind of cell varies in shape, size, function, density and purpose.
The body is so capable, and so competent that 100 trillion cells will replace within seven years!
The inner working of each cell is incredibly complex. Each one is like a miniature factory. For example, red blood cells are ten times smaller than the width of a single human hair. Although each cell is microscopically tiny, all the cells in your body will surround the Earth 200 times when attached!
Cells consist mainly of three parts, namely the membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus.
The membrane surrounds the cell and can “recognise” hundreds of chemicals. As a “traffic agent”, it controls the substances that enter a cell and must be purified.
The cytoplasm is the cell’s “factory floor” on which thousands of machines, called organelles, work. At any given time, there are more than 20 different chemical reactions in the cytoplasm, for purposes such as communication, waste removal, repair, nutrition and reproduction. There is even an extensive transport system to move products and waste throughout the cell.
The “brain” or core controls all this information. It stores all the information the cell needs to repair and reproduce — this blueprint made of chromosomes and genes containing DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid).
DNA is one of the most impressive creations in the whole universe. If you have transcribed the genetic information for only one person, fill it with about 600,000 pages! DNA stored in a spiral-shaped leather so efficiently designed that, if uncovered from any human’s cell, the result will be about six feet long. It estimated that if all the DNA in the human body is attached, it will be 400 times the distance from the Earth to the sun stretch!
For example, the information needed to replicate 6.5 billion people on earth will require a DNA area of about 1/8 of a square inch to fit the data.
The core, cellular membrane and all the machines in the cytoplasm represent each cell in your body. Remember that there are 100 trillion cells in which these supervisors, machines, factories, work and reproduce consistently.
Surely the human body is lovely and so sophisticated that only God could have made it!