Quiet Cobbler
Music Video: https://youtu.be/8dqPOntOZ_Y
The sound of knock-knock-knock from early to late,
To stop my “shoe-last” component growing chilly;
People imagine me the silent cobbler wedded to a shoe.
Eyes glance at shoes enquiring to service them
I knock, knock, knock, laugh in my sleeve;
Measure the sun’s rays against the sky blue
The moon is above me, and all the souls are sleeping,
Quietly I dressed my suit, as delicate as silk.
Walk trip-pe-trap-pe along the peaceful street;
Then I hear my leathers, my soles chatting to me.
I arrive at the maiden where the fat torches smoke,
I think I feel absolute man — I know this profession too.
But tomorrow — I want to see the Pastor,
Ask the minister himself how it is with his soles (souls).
And oh yeah, Pastor, let’s bequest that on Sabbath