Psychedelic Lust
Music Video:
No, I’m not a druggie, just a soul driven by lust!
No, I did not take Opium
Or smoked cannabis
Or make a tot of Rare Malt
Or any Stimulant drug
Your Illusion drives me
Down the pursuit zone
Yelling and whistles
My soul is tuned
I do not hear a bight
don’t hold me
To meet the lady among black
hair and possessed eyes
The ultimate provocation
To encircle the most
A cherished and lovely girl
I am my master’s hound
Author’s Note: My Girls took the male dogs for a walk, leaving the females at home. I watched them disappear down the garden road when there was a sudden commotion. The one male dog, driven by lust, came flying home, stretching his legs, ears flat on the head to join up with the frightened female in a flame. The female was frightened out of her wits and could, obviously, not handle the steamroll situation. I tried to discourage the male but to little avail.
He was my dog.
The story about the dog reminded me of the first time we fell in love. No matter how powerful or self-sufficient or free you believed you were, at once, you converted feebly in the face of emotions that, to others, seemed obsessive and stupid. In that state, everything evokes you of the person you love. Your love graces the centre of your world. Mates say your face illuminates when you talk about them. You can’t concentrate, sleep, or eat. The feeling of being without them feels like missing a part of yourself. There are physiological reasons that demonstrate why the knowledge of being in love suggests so overwhelming. These sentiments obey an evolutionary purpose. Characteristically, they allow two people to bond in a way that enhances the possibility they’ll procreate and sustain a situation in which the resulting offspring survive.
Are we much different from a dog? Ahhh I don’t think so!
Author’s Note: Treat all women and children well and with respect and experience the love and fondness you deserve.