Mattheus Frederik
26 min readJul 23, 2024


Welcome to “Echoes of Yesteryear: A Journey Through Time,” a collection of stories, poems, and reflections that weave together the rich tapestry of human experience. This anthology invites you to travel across the landscapes of history and memory, where each piece resonates with the timeless themes of love, loss, resilience, and transformation.

The inspiration for this collection stems from my deep appreciation for the narratives that shape our lives and the indelible marks they leave on our hearts. From the lush valleys of South Africa to the silent echoes of war-torn lands, these stories offer a window into the past, illuminating the beauty and complexity of our shared journey.

“Fox Flaming Girl” captures the innocence and passion of youth, while “Spaceman” delves into the boundless ambition and introspection of a modern-day visionary. The haunting “Evening Song (The Evening Bells)” and the gentle rhythms of “Dance of the Gentle Waves” reflect on the passage of time and the enduring power of nature’s beauty. In “Sputnik,” the simplicity of a child’s world is juxtaposed with the broader societal changes, highlighting the innocence that often accompanies youth.

The historical narratives of “A Journey of Refuge: The Saga of the Fredrick Family” and “The Enigma of Hex River Valley: The Tragic Tale of Beautiful Eliza Meiring” offer a poignant look at the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity. These stories, rooted in real events and enriched by folklore, remind us of the strength and perseverance inherent in our heritage.

The tender and tragic tale of “Klara Majola: A Beacon of Innocence amidst the Frost” speaks to the delicate interplay of love and loss, while “Psychedelic Lust: A Symphony of Unbridled Passion” and “Black Nights: A Tapestry of Darkened Echoes” explore the depths of human desire and the mysteries of the night.

In “The Impact of AI on Communication,” I delve into the contemporary issue of technology’s influence on our interactions, urging a balance between innovation and genuine human connection. Finally, the haikus “The Effect of Change” and “Tenderness of Love” encapsulate the transformative power of time and the gentle strength of love in their succinct, evocative verses.

This collection is not just a compilation of words but a dialogue between the past and the present, a conversation that spans generations and cultures. It is my hope that these stories and poems will evoke feelings, stimulate thoughts, and perhaps offer you a momentary escape from the bustle of everyday life.

Thank you for embarking on this journey with me. May “Echoes of Yesteryear” resonate within you and remind you of the enduring beauty and complexity of our shared human experience.

About the Author:

Mattheus Frederik is a gifted storyteller and poet, whose works traverse the delicate landscapes of human experience and emotion. Drawing deeply from his rich cultural heritage and personal history, Frederik crafts narratives that resonate with themes of love, loss, resilience, and transformation. His writing, marked by a profound sensitivity to the nuances of life, often blends historical contexts with lyrical prose, creating vivid and poignant reflections on the past. From the haunting legend of Eliza Meiring in the Hex River Valley to the tender innocence of Klara Majola, Frederik’s stories are imbued with a timeless quality that invites readers to explore the depths of their own humanity. His thoughtful explorations of AI’s impact on communication and the transformative journey from youth to wisdom further showcase his versatility and insight as an author. Through his eloquent and evocative work, Mattheus Frederik continues to leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of contemporary literature.



Part I: Poems

  1. Fox Flaming Girl
  2. Spaceman Poem
  3. Evening Song (The Evening Bells)
  4. Dance of the Gentle Waves
  5. Psychedelic Lust: A Symphony of Unbridled Passion
  6. Black Nights: A Tapestry of Darkened Echoes
  7. The Effect of Change
  8. Tenderness of Love

Part II: Short Stories

  1. Sputnik
  2. A Journey of Refuge: The Saga of the Fredrick Family
  3. The Enigma of Hex River Valley: The Tragic Tale of Beautiful Eliza Meiring
  4. Klara Majola: A Beacon of Innocence amidst the Frost

Part III: Articles

  1. The Impact of AI on Communication


About the Author


This version of the contents ensures that each title is a direct link to its corresponding YouTube video, providing a seamless experience for the reader to open and close each item while watching the video.

Fox Flaming Girl

Credit — Pinterest

(Verse 1)
Bantam them and fling the strings,
Sunsets sparkle in her rings.
In love with the child so dear,
Fox-flaming girl I hold near.

Do you listen, do you see,
Girl with hair aflame and free?
Follow talk of bowstrings tight,
I’m in love with this sight.

(Verse 2)
Lappa leads with Bella cold,
In Waboomskloof’s tales untold.
Naughty makes, with gingerbread,
Dark red vine where love is led.

Heart blooms white for flaming hair,
Select heather with utmost care.
Reddest red for her head so fair,
For you, my fox-flaming girl rare.

Do you listen, do you see,
Girl with hair aflame and free?
Follow talk of bowstrings tight,
I’m in love with this sight.

Bellabint my girl child true,
Heart flower white, heather red hue.
Bellabint my dear child,
For you, my love is compiled.

Author: Louis Van Rensburg

Translated from Afrikaans: Mattheus Frederik


Video: Moonlight Sonata:

Credit — Unsplash

Introduction: Elon Musk, born in the terrains of South Africa, has traversed the realms of invention and imagination, earning the metaphorical depiction as the “Spaceman.” This moniker symbolizes not just his spatial ventures but also his boundless pursuit of the unknown, the uncharted territories of innovation.

Early Life: Elon, a child immersed in daydreams of inventions, was a silent observer of the world’s unseen, a quality so profound that it led to concerns about his hearing. The journey of this introverted, book-loving child was marked by a blend of solitude and resilience, shaped in the shadows of his parents’ divorce and the schoolyard bullies.

Education and Early Ventures: The corridors of Queen’s University welcomed a 17-year-old Elon, and the flame of learning took him through the diverse realms of business, physics, and economics at the University of Pennsylvania. But the traditional path soon diverged into the trails of the internet boom, leading to the inception of Zip2 Corporation in 1995.

Transformation and Achievements: The “Spaceman” soared through the dimensions of technology and space, manifesting his visions through companies like SpaceX and Tesla. His journey, marked by relentless regeneration, became a symphony of innovation, echoing the aspirations of humanity to reach beyond the stars.

Reflections: In the solitude of the stars, the Spaceman ponders the ephemeral nature of life and achievement. His soul whispers poems of existence and purpose, intertwining the material with the metaphysical, questioning the essence of his being and his legacy.

Conclusion: The odyssey of Elon Musk, the Spaceman, is a continuous waltz with the cosmos, a relentless pursuit of the infinite possibilities of regeneration. His journey is a living testament to humanity’s eternal quest for knowledge, meaning, and transcendence, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of time.


Time passed quickly,
As in the blink of an eye.
Moments of melancholy,
And happiness soon slipped away.

People I liked,
Their development and departure,
But life never stopped,
And new people arose and went further.

Life was easy and controversial,
And the conflict was there,
And the charges when it mattered,
Moments I do not like to remember.

I endured my own life,
And still found my place,
Nights filled with imperfections,
And the sunrise of new days.

And now that I’m getting older,
Obviously more mature,
All the things I found significant before?
Is not the reason why I’m here?

And all the many things I have accomplished,
Is not the reason for my ability?
But that made me feel a little better.
To be able to endure.

And the anxiety and the sorrow,
It bothered me every day,
And after all the commotion,
It evaporated like mist before the Sun.

But how far I have stretched my love,
And reached out to other souls,
Would be the accurate measurement,
Of the success I was.

And the more spacious I shared,
From my soul and my heart,
Would it finally be the reason,
That distinguished me?

And most importantly,
Is the appreciation of me?
And whether I was competent enough.
To be the most helpful I could be.

And how much more merciful,
And the love I can show,
Before the Lord says to me:
Old man, it’s your time to go!

Author: Mattheus Frederik

Ivan Rebroff: Evening Song (The Evening Bells)


Иван Реброфф

Credit Unsplash — Pensive Old Man

Звук вечерних колоколов, звон вечерних колоколов!

Представьте себе, сколько мыслей передает колокольчик

О наших юных днях на родной земле,

Там, где мы жили, есть дом моего отца.

И, прощаясь с ним навсегда,

Я в последний раз слушал звон колоколов!

Я не вижу светлых дней моей лживой весны!

И сколько из моих близких еще живы

А где этот веселый, молодой!

Их погребальный сон глубокий;

Они не слышат звона вечерних колоколов.

Ты тоже лежишь во влажной земле!

Печальное песнопение овладевает мной, когда дует ветер;

Другой певец будет петь об этой прекрасной стране

И это не я, а он вечернюю песню споет!

Writer: Mattheus Frederik

Evening Song (The Evening Bells)


Imagine how much thought a bell conveys,

About our young days on native land,

There, where we lived, is my father’s house.

And, bidding farewell to it forever,

I listened to the ringing of the bells for the last time!

I don’t see the bright days of my false spring!

And how many of my loved ones are still alive,

And where is that cheerful, young [one]!

Their funerary sleep is deep;

They do not hear the ringing of the evening bells.

You also lie in the damp earth!

A sorrowful chant takes hold of me when the wind blows;

Another singer will sing about this beautiful country,

And it’s not me, but he who will sing the evening song!

This translation might not be perfect, but it provides a general sense of the melancholy and contemplative nature of the text. The character mentioned, Ivan Rebroff, was a German singer, known for his vocal range and his performances of Russian folk songs, which might be why his name appears in connection with this poetic text.

Die Aandlied. (Aandklokke)


Geluid van aandklokkies, aandklokke wat beier!

Stel jou voor hoeveel gedagtes die klokke oordra

Oor ons jeugdige dae in die geboorteland,

Waar ons gewoon het, in die huis van my vader.

En as ons vir altyd afskeid neem,

Het ek die laaste keer na die klokke geluister!

Ek onthou nie die jeugdige dae van ‘n bedrieglike lente nie!

En min van my geliefdes leef nog

En waar is die vrolike jonk klomp!

Hulle ewige slaap is diep;

Die aandklokke hoor hulle nie.

Lê jy ook in die klam aarde!

Met die hartseer klokke wat beier oor jou, soos die wind waai;

Nog ‘n sanger sal oor hierdie pragtige land sing

En dit is nie ek nie, maar hy sal die aandklokke liedjie sing

Mattheus Frederik

Ne me Quitte pas.

Don’t leave me


Don’t leave me

Sometimes when everyone is gone

And dead silence settles in my room

I leave this world for a time

To listen to the love whispering

Your voice from the past.

I remember the kitchen

- table shiny bright;

I hear you pour coffee

(In your blue enamel mug)

And stir the coffee around.

And I dream of your dancing

With me, the lady of Paris.

And I listen to your shuffling feet.

Patting: “Do not leave me.”

Across the wooden floor of our home.

Mattheus Frederik

Ne me Quitte pas.

(Moet my nie los nie)


Credit: Pinterest

Moet my nie los nie

Soms as almal weg is

En doodse stilte in my kamer neerdaal

Verlaat ek hierdie wêreld na ‘n tyd

Om na die liefde te luister

Van jou stem uit die verlede.

Ek onthou die kombuis

- tafel blink helder;

Ek hoor hoe jy koffie skink

(In jou blou emalje-beker)

En die koffie rond roer.

En ek droom van jou dans ritme

Met my, die dame van Parys.

En ek luister na jou skuifelende voete.

Wat tik “Moenie my verlaat nie.”

Skuifel oor die houtvloer van ons huis.

Skrywer: Mattheus Frederik

“Dance of the Gentle Waves”

(Verse 1)

Upon the breakwater firm and bold,

Play waves of silver and of gold.

In a dance that’s gentle, wild and free,

Under the sun, beside the sea.


They jump, they play, they dance, they sway,

In the light of the sun, they display.

An endless ballet, a timeless song,

In harmony, they dance along.

(Verse 2)

With a rhythm soft, a whisper low,

Tales of the ocean, they bestow.

Leaping high with joyous might,

In the warm and tender sunlight.


They jump, they play, they dance, they sway,

Under the moon’s soft silver ray.

An endless ballet, a timeless song,

In harmony, they dance along.


Teasing the breakwater, with frothy spray,

In a playful game, they romp and sway.

Fueled by the wind’s ceaseless choir,

They dance, they leap, they never tire.


They jump, they play, they dance, they sway,

From the break of dawn till the end of day.

An endless ballet, a timeless song,

In harmony, they dance along.


So here’s to the waves, oh so gentle,

And the breakwater’s story, so simple.

To their dance that brings delight,

Under the stars, in the moonlight.

Author’s Note:

Thank you, dear reader, for taking the time to dive into my words. “Dance of the Gentle Waves” is more than a mere arrangement of syllables and rhymes to me. It’s a testament to my love for the sea, its untamed yet graceful waves, and the tranquil persistence of the breakwater.

In many ways, this poem is a reflection of life’s ebb and flow. Just as the waves leap upon the breakwater in a ceaseless dance, we too experience the ups and downs of life. Through every high and low, we find resilience and beauty, mirroring the breakwater that stands resolute, no matter how fiercely the waves crash upon it.

As an author, I strive to encapsulate the vibrancy and pulse of the world around us into verses, hoping to evoke feelings, stimulate thoughts, and perhaps offer a momentary escape from our bustling lives. It is my sincere wish that the imagery painted in this poem has managed to transport you, if only for a brief moment, to a peaceful shore where you could hear the gentle symphony of the waves and feel the sun’s warm embrace.

Your support and engagement mean the world to me. I encourage your thoughts, feedback, or interpretations — after all, once a poem is shared; it becomes a dialogue between the reader and the writer.

Thank you for being a part of this journey. Here’s to the endless dance of words and waves.

Mattheus Frederik

Va. Piensiero.

Giuseppe Verdi — Nabucco — Hebreeuse slawe-refrein — Lied van vryheid:

Gaan, gedagtes, vlieg op goue vlerke

Gaan, vertoef op die hange en op die heuwels

Waar die reuk warm en sag is

Die soet geurige grond van ons vaderland

Groet die Jordaan aan die oewer van die rivier

en groet die torings van Sion

My vaderland, so mooi en verlore

So dierbaar en ongelukkig

Speel op die goue harp van die profetiese sieners

Waaroor wonder jy stil van die wilgerhange af?

Moet jy nie die herinneringe in ons harte laat herleef nie

En ons vertel ons van die tyd wat verby is nie?

Of dink aan die lot van Salomo

En laat daardie geluid van ru-klaagliedere los

En mag die Here jou inspireer om in ‘n konsert te dans

En ons in staat stel om vir ons harmonie te ly?

Vertaling: Mattheus Frederik

The poem by Coenie De Villiers paints a picture of a seemingly simpler and innocent time through the eyes of a child, juxtaposed with broader historical and societal contexts. Here is a translated version of the poem in English:


A peppermint tree hangs freshly minted

over the streets of my youth

I am barefoot and wear shorts

My world is full of virtue

There is order in my universe

my entire neighborhood is white –

On Sundays, I go to church

Where I sing psalms and pray

There was a Sputnik in the sky

And the townships were forgotten

Was I really so innocent,

Does a child then have no conscience?

The past is another country

Over the Rubicon, on the other side

My life looks so much different

My life looks so much different

The streetlight makes a cone

Where millions of moths swirl

We steal fruit from the neighbor

Who (I suspect) can guess well

That the children in his dark garden

are pilfering his apricots

But there are no fences around his house

No alarms to betray (them)

There was a Sputnik in the sky

And the townships were forgotten

Was I really so innocent,

Does a child then have no conscience?

The past is another country

Over the Rubicon, on the other side

My life looks so much different

My life looks so much different

We hear someone shot a president

But it’s far and affects us little

I simply play with my Dinky toys

In a city that I invent

Where everyone looks just like me

We are all Afrikaans

There are rules here in my village

It’s a world full of balance

There was a Sputnik in the sky

And the townships were forgotten

Was I really so innocent,

Does a child then have no conscience?

The past is another country

Over the Rubicon, on the other side

My life looks so much different

My life looks so much different

This translation seeks to maintain the essence and nuance of the original Afrikaans poem, but there may be subtle nuances or cultural context that is challenging to convey precisely in English.

Mattheus Frederik

“Drome van Vandag en Gister”


(Verse 1)

Vandag kyk ek na gister,

Jou hare was raaf swart.

Jou oë pragtig, soos dié van ‘n Sjinees,

Jou liggaam fyn, pas in die geel rok.


Jou hande en voete, pragtig versorg,

Jou taal soet soos heuning.

Jou beeld net ‘n oomblik weg,

Verskuil in die data van my DNA.

(Verse 2)

Vandag sien ek jou hare persgrys môre,

Jou oë pragtig met ‘n dieper kyk.

Jou liggaam sterker, pas in die geel rok,

Jou beeld is altyd sigbaar, in die prent van my oë.


In môre se DNA, vandag is die gedagte,

Tussen gister en vandag, ‘n skeiding tussen wat was.

Vrees vir die groot verlies, van die pragtige verlede,

En die afskeid tussen twee mense in vandag se droom.


Jou hande en voete, pragtig versorg,

Jou taal soet soos heuning.

Jou beeld net ‘n oomblik weg,

Verskuil in die data van my DNA.


Vandag, ‘n droom van gister en vandag,

‘n Gedagte van wat nog moet kom,

‘n Beeld van jou, altyd in my oë,

‘n Lied van vrees en hoop, in vandag se droom.

This arrangement and translation may not be exact, as it aims to preserve the poetic and emotional essence of the original text, but it could form the basis for a poignant Afrikaans song.

Author: Mattheus Frederik

Stilte van die Liefde


Verse 1:

Soos die rivier wat saggies vloei,

Liefde, wit en geel lelieblom,

Vloei die liefde oor ons,

Buig ons in die sagte vloed.


Jy is die fynste wit lelieblom,

Passie is asemrowend en sterk,

Jou siel sluimerend, broos, en rooi,

In die stilte van die liefde, ons word een.

Verse 2:

Die nag was eensaam, pad te lank,

Jy dink die liefde ontwyk jou hart,

Maar in die winter, liefdesdrome wag,

Onder die sneeu, ‘n saad van hoop.


Die eindelose, pynlike verlange,

Jou siel ‘n blom, wag net vir jou,

Jy weier om wakker te word, om lief te hê,

Maar in die lente word jy ‘n pragtige blom.


Jou moed is broos en bang om te breek,

Jou gees is bang, kan nie asem haal nie,

Maar liefde is die son wat wag om te skyn,

Om die saad van hoop tot lewe te bring.

Verse 3:

Jou siel verskrik en huiwerig om te vier,

Dit is die mooiste droom, die stilste wens,

In die winter van ons harte, sneeu val sag,

En die saad van liefde wag in stilte.


Stilte van die liefde, soos ‘n rivier,

Jy en ek, ‘n droom van passie en hoop,

Die pynlike verlange, die stilte spreek,

En ons harte bloei in liefde se naam.


Laat jou siel rooi roos bloos,

In die stilte van die liefde,

Waar ons saam droom en hoop,

Waar liefde bloei en lewe vind.

Mattheus Frederik

A Journey of Refuge: The Saga of the Fredrick Family

In 1827, in the tranquil lands of Niederlanden, Germany, Carl August Fredrick was born to a Dane father, Johann Fredrick, and a Prussian mother, Marie Elizabeth Babst. The air was tense with looming discord, the shadows of the First Schleswig War or Three Years’ War drawing closer, casting a dark shroud over southern Denmark and northern Germany.

At a tender age of 21, Carl, ensnared by his heritage and the tumultuous times, found himself in the clutches of a conflict, fighting on the Prussian side, a pawn in the clash between Danes and Germans. The war left families in disarray, a tension looming in the air, and Carl, torn between his Danish and Prussian roots, found solace in the arms of Frederike Mant after migrating to Felchow.

Their union, celebrated in 1853 in Angermunde, blossomed amidst the whispers of another impending conflict. The Germans, dissatisfied, were brewing the winds of the Second Schleswig War. However, hope flickered in the horizon as Governor Grey of the Cape Colony beckoned to German and Danish farmers, offering refuge.

Carl, seeking peace and harmony, embraced this opportunity, hoping to flee from the relentless nightmares of wars and conflicts. His journey aboard the Prince Alfred in 1860, alongside his beloved family and his uncle Carl Babst, marked the beginning of a new chapter. The family, their hearts a mix of Prussian and Danish heritage, embarked on a journey to escape the scars of persecution, war, and violence that had marred their land.

The Cape, a marvel with the towering Table Mountain and beautiful houses, was a sight to behold, a solace to the tormented souls. The serene beaches and the cold seawater was a delight, a peace they longed for. The euphoria of the new land, the charm of the family moments, and the mesmerizing landscape was a heavenly refuge.

However, the land of hope soon revealed its cracks. A shocking revelation awaited the new settlers — Carl Wilhelm Otto, translating the harsh words of the Englishman, Rees, declared the withdrawal of support for the British assisted farmers. The refugees, left in dismay, were offered a passage back to Germany, a land they left in hopes of a better life.

The words were daggers to their hearts, a reminder of the weak relations between German farm owners and their workers. The beautiful dream seemed to shatter, but the resilience and hopes of the Fredrick family and other settlers were unwavering, their eyes still fixed on the horizon of hope and peace.

The story of Carl and his family is a testament to the enduring human spirit, a tale of hope, resilience, and the eternal quest for peace and harmony amidst the shadows of conflicts and wars.

Trials of a New Dawn: A Fredrick Chronicle

Carl’s vision blurred, pain radiating through his skull, stood amidst a sea of hushed whispers and concealed anger. The venomous visage of Rees lingered in his vision, a constant reminder of the broken promises and betrayed hopes.

The palpable despair and lingering shock etched on the faces around him spoke volumes of the shared anguish. The serene atmosphere of the Cape was now tainted with a symphony of sobbing women and disbelief-uttering men, reflecting the unspoken turmoil within Carl.

The unrelenting injustice igniting a fire within his chest, Carl, in a bout of rage, found himself questioning, confronting the real intentions behind the abrupt cancellation of their farming contracts. The appearance of the red coats marked the tightening tension, and before Frederike’s words could reach him, a blow dimmed his surroundings.

The abrupt brutality quelled the swelling murmurs, leaving an imprint of fear and dismay within the hearts of the German passengers. The air, heavy with the silent pleas of Otto, resonated with words of consolation and peace, yet Carl’s essence was marked by the injustice meted out to him and his fellow settlers.

In the wake of the painful reception, he felt Frederike’s tender care, her makeshift bandage stemming the blood flow, a painful reminder of the sacrifices made to escape the shadows of their homeland. The thought of returning to Germany, to fight against his blood, became an unbearable idea, his heart aching at the thought of further strife within his family.

“What now?!” The question hung in the air, echoing the collective thoughts of the betrayed settlers. Carl, with the assistance of his fellow Germans, rose to his feet, his stance reflecting a mixture of determination and resilience.

Carl knew that retreating to the land marked by familial conflict was not an option. A newfound resolve birthed within his heart, a commitment to carve a niche within this land of betrayed hopes. He felt the unwavering support of his family and the solidarity of the German passengers.

The journey that began as a quest for peace and stability in the beautiful Cape Colony became a mission to establish a land of their own within the hostile environment. The united Germans, marked by the scar of injustice, paved their path with hard work and unbreakable spirit, seeking to transcend the barriers of politics and mistrust.

Carl and his family, along with their companions, embedded their roots in the new land, fostering community, understanding, and a shared vision. Despite the broken promises and painful memories, they found strength in their unity and hope in their shared dreams.

The Frederick Chronicles, a testimony to their resilience and spirit, narrate the stories of silent battles and enduring hopes, reflecting the unbroken human spirit’s ability to rise amidst shattered dreams and painful realities.

Author: Mattheus Frederik [Fredrick]

The Enigma of Hex River Valley: The Tragic Tale of Beautiful Eliza Meiring

Credit: Unsplash

In the heart of 1863, Carl acquired several horses, enabling him and his friend Otto to traverse the lush landscapes of Breëde River and Hex River Valleys. These explorations were a blend of hunting escapades and anecdotal exchanges, allowing Carl and Otto to share tales of their past with their older sons, who were now part of these expeditions.

It was during one such journey that Otto unveiled the tragic legend of Eliza Meiring, referred to as the Witch of Hex River Valley.

Around 1768, Eliza Meiring, a mesmerizing Dutch girl, dwelled in Buffelskraal, one of the farms laced within the Hex River Valley. Her beauty and allure were unparalleled, making her the object of affection for many local young men. However, Eliza, doused in pride and seeking grandeur, declared she would only consider the man who could retrieve the rare crimson disa flower, located on the perilous cliffs of the mountains, as her suitor.

Eliza’s expectations were met when Philip, a robust and lively young man, visited her farm. His vigor resonated with Eliza, awakening a sense of love within her. However, her prideful heart laid a condition before him — to bring her the elusive crimson disa as proof of his valor.

Philip, driven by love and determination, traversed the mountain terrains, reaching the cliff where the crimson disa bloomed. As he reached to pluck the flower, the fragile cliff crumbled, causing him to plunge to his demise.

News of Philip’s tragic end shattered Eliza’s soul. She secluded herself, shackled by guilt, until one despair-filled night, she etched her name and the date, 1768, on her wooden window sill before succumbing to the same mountain that claimed her lover.

The inhabitants of the valley, while sympathetic to her tragic fate, deemed her a witch, attributing Philip’s death to her arrogance and pride. Her spirit, it is said, now roams the Hex River Valley, entangled in an eternal search for her lost love.

The essence of this tragic tale now melds with the mists and shadows of Hex River Valley, resurrecting when the moon casts its light on the mountain snows, and the winds whisper the echoes of her lament.

Carl and Otto’s sons, ensnared by the tale, spent that night huddled around the fire, sleep eluding their wide eyes. Carl, musing on the legend, felt a sense of pride for his second eldest son, Wilhelm, who shared a spirited passion for horses and displayed courage reminiscent of Philip. He saw in Wilhelm a youthful reflection of his past, a young soul eager to brave the world for love.

The legend of Eliza Meiring, the Witch of Hex River Valley, thus stands as a reminder of love, pride, and the eternal search for redemption, enriching the folklore of the valley with its poignant echoes.

Writer and Author: Mattheus Frederik.

Klara Majola: A Beacon of Innocence amidst the Frost

By Mattheus Frederik

Credit- Pinterest

Klara Majola

In the midst of a frost-covered Bokkeveld, a story of tender innocence and timeless tragedy unfolds. It is the winter of 1950, near Prince Alfred Hamlet, on a fruit farm named “Die Eike,” where the spirit of Klara Majola, born Violet Jansen, breathes in the whispers of the wind.

Klara, a petite girl of eight, resided on this farm with her family, all labourers tending to the bountiful land. Although Klara’s lineage bore the name Jansen, her father, known as Majola due to the local penchant for nicknames, painted her existence with his own epithet. Hence, Klara Majola was the name that echoed amidst the snowfall, a memory more fluent in the tongues of Afrikaans speakers.

Klara’s father, stripped of his sight, found solace in collecting firewood, his familiarity with the farm guiding his steps. One cold winter day, he veered a bit too far, and the tendrils of worry wrapped around Klara’s heart. With innocent determination, she ventured into the frost to find her father. But fate played a cruel game; their paths did not cross, and he returned home, leaving Klara dancing alone with the snowflakes.

The air grew colder, kisses of rain transformed into a waltz of snow, and Klara Majola, with limbs brown and curled like vines, succumbed to the frost. The breaking dawn saw her lifeless near a stream, the remnants of her warmth whispering secrets to the frozen earth.

The cement stone in the farm’s cemetery bears her name, Klara Majola, marking her brief journey from June 14, 1942, to July 26, 1950. It stands as a silent symphony, narrating a tale of a daughter’s love, a father’s despair, and the cruel dance of destiny.

Author’s Note: The original poem was crafted by D J Opperman and is a poetic expression of true events, translated by Mattheus Frederik. Klara Majola’s story is a delicate fabric woven with the threads of reality and emotions, reverberating through time as a testament to her ephemeral existence.

This refined rendition offers a poetically nuanced view of Klara Majola’s story, encapsulating her essence and the tragic confluence of love, loss, and fate that marked her brief sojourn on this earth.

Author: Mattheus Frederik

Psychedelic Lust: A Symphony of Unbridled Passion

By Mattheus Frederik

This rendition aspires to delve deeper into the interconnected tapestry of passion and desire, offering a poetic exploration of the shared essence of love across sentient beings, embracing the boundless possibilities of emotional experiences.

Music Video


Psychedelic Lust

I am no seeker of illicit escape, no chaser of intoxicating illusions. I am a being, submerged in a torrent of passionate desires, tethered not by substances but by profound emotions. I traverse through realms untainted by opium, undisturbed by the haze of cannabis, unswayed by the allure of rare malt. My journey is propelled by the ethereal illusion you cast, navigating the uncharted waters of untamed desires.

In this pursuit, my soul is finely tuned, enveloped in a harmonious symphony of enamored echoes, blind and deaf to the external clamor. Unleash me; let me traverse the shadowed alleys to meet the lady with raven hair and eyes imbued with possession. She, the ultimate provocation, encircles the sublime, a cherished enchantress, a beacon of divine allure. In her presence, I am but a hound to my master’s call.

Author’s Note: This poem was inspired by the unbridled fervor exhibited by my canine companions. It was a day marked by a chaotic ballet, as my male dogs chased after the frightened female, a fervent dance illuminated by passion’s flame. In this moment, I perceived the timeless dance of love, the transcendental dance that humans, too, partake in.

The sight invoked reflections of human love, of the overwhelming, consuming emotions we experience when we surrender to love’s embrace. In love, our beings resonate with another, every pulse, every echo reverberating with their essence. It is an encompassing aura, rendering us vulnerable, leaving us longing, every fiber yearning for the presence of the beloved.

This story explores the parallels between our human experiences of love and those of our canine companions, questioning the essence of our emotional experiences. Are we, in our profound emotions, in our overpowering sensations of love, truly distinct from the creatures we deem less sentient?

Author’s Note: In our journey through life, let us cherish and respect every woman and child, fostering love and kindness, for it is through compassion and respect that we truly experience the boundless love and warmth that life has to offer.

Author: Mattheus Frederik.

Black Nights: A Tapestry of Darkened Echoes

By Mattheus Frederik

Black Nights

In the Silence of the Black Night…

Have you ever ventured to decipher the enigma of black nights, to understand the symphony of whispers cloaked in its shadows? Child, oh sweet child, do you comprehend the nocturnal companion of your mother’s abode also lurks within yours? Have you delved into the mysteries of these opaque times?

Is your existence within such nights a choice, a willful embrace of the sombre solitude, or a misinterpretation of ancestral teachings?

How, do you perceive, the weight upon your heart in the bewitching hours, the stealthy pestilence weaving through the shadows?

Perhaps you sought guidance, illuminating your path with the beacon of the storm lamp, unaware that you, yourself, were the keeper of the sacred light.

A Mother’s Whisper and a Daughter’s Path…

Mother, bearer of life, your daughter sprouted from your essence, but her being is her own. She will weave through her lessons, decipher her teachings. Your lamps burn with divergent flames, adjusting the luminosity in tandem, can invite animosity beneath the door, extinguishing both fervent lights.

Beware, oh bearer of generations. Retain the key within the fabric of your existence but bestow upon your progeny a duplicate. For there may come a time when the malevolent enchantress of hatred whispers at your garden gates, positioning her cauldron brimming with the bitter sap of aloe upon your hearth.

The Journey beyond…

Daughters, mothers, do not shudder at the voyage towards the river. It’s a sojourn marked by distances vast yet intimate, painful yet sweetened with honeyed droplets of enlightenment. It’s an expedition laden with revelations, one that the soul will forever embrace without regret.

Author: Mattheus Frederik.

This poetic rendition seeks to unfold the layers of nocturnal whispers and the intertwined destinies of generations, exploring the interplay of shadows and light within the familial tapestry, and the transformative journey beyond the realms of known horizons.

The Impact of AI on Communication

Credit — Pinterest

In the advent of AI and technology-driven communication, it is pivotal to explore the impact of this shift on our communication methods and its potential implications on our mental well-being, relationships, and societal norms.

AI & Interpersonal Communication:

AI-powered tools, while enhancing efficiency and offering personalized interaction, may lead to a decline in direct verbal and written communication. This loss in genuine interpersonal contact can elevate anxiety, depression, and diminish mental capacities due to a lack of active, effortful participation in communication.

Influence on Relationships:

AI’s role in communication has revolutionized how we approach relationships, potentially leading to superficial connections. While technology facilitates constant interactions, the depth and authenticity of these interactions are often questionable, impacting the emotional and mental well-being of individuals.

AI as a Conversational Partner:

AI mimics conversational skills and offers a semblance of interaction, but the absence of true understanding and empathetic response can cause a lack of genuine connection and shared humanity, impacting the way we perceive and relate to others.

Mental Discipline & Focus:

Engaging with AI requires a significant level of mental discipline and focus. This interaction necessitates an understanding of the mechanics and limitations of AI, enabling a more structured and coherent exchange of ideas and information.

Striving for Balance:

It’s crucial to strike a balance between AI-driven and human communication. AI can be a powerful tool for acquiring knowledge and information, but it cannot replace the emotional, empathetic, and nuanced nature of human interaction.

Enhancement & Limitation:

AI, in its advanced forms, can comprehend and generate human-like responses, but it lacks the ability to truly understand human emotions and experiences, leading to potential misinterpretations and misconceptions.

Learning and Growth:

While AI provides an avenue for learning and acquiring new information, its utility in fostering personal growth and self-reflection is limited compared to human interaction, which offers insight, diverse perspectives, and a shared human experience.


AI’s integration in communication has created a paradigm shift, opening avenues for enhanced interaction while simultaneously posing challenges to authentic human connection. Striking a harmonious balance between technology and human interaction is crucial for fostering genuine relationships, maintaining mental well-being, and preserving our shared humanity and collective experience.

This short analysis touches upon the nuanced relationship between AI and human communication, emphasizing the need for awareness, balance, and human-centric values in this technology-driven era.

Author: Mattheus Frederik

The Effect of Change


Sun shone in wise eyes

Changing from young to wisdom)

Time leaves things behind

In the conversation, we can reflect on the Haiku and the note from the author about the butterfly’s metamorphosis:

The Haiku and the note both explore the idea of transformation and change, both through the process of growing old and through the life cycle of a butterfly. The butterfly, undergoing significant transformation, mirrors the journey from youth to wisdom. This metamorphosis symbolizes rebirth and a new perspective, similar to the enlightenment gained through growing older and acquiring wisdom.

The conversation can revolve around these transformational processes and how they are symbolized in different elements of nature and life. It’s intriguing to compare the human development process, marked by physical, emotional, and intellectual growth, to the butterfly’s stages of transformation. Both processes result in a changed being, representing new beginnings and opportunities.

In this context, discussing the beauty and symbolism of each stage in a butterfly’s life can help in understanding the value of different life phases in humans. The journey from the young, learning stage (larva) to the mature, reproducing stage (butterfly) can be seen as a metaphor for human growth from childhood to adulthood.

Moreover, the concept of “touching the creator’s hand” and the dialogue with the angels can lead to discussions about the spiritual aspect of transformations and the divine intention behind creations and changes in life. It raises questions about the creator’s vision for their creations and how transformation fits into this vision.

Lastly, the “unsurpassed beauty” of a butterfly can be linked to the beauty of human life and experiences, and how transformations can lead to new forms of beauty and understanding. The satiny cocoon representing the beauty of women underscores the aesthetic and nurturing aspects of transformation, furthering the comparison between the metamorphosis of a butterfly and human life experiences.

Author: Mattheus Frederik

“Tenderness of Love”

Haiku: Tenderness of Love

Dew hugs our actions

More gentle than our devotions

Love’s tenderness found

Author: Mattheus Frederik

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Mattheus Frederik
Mattheus Frederik

Written by Mattheus Frederik

Experience in Explosives, Fertilizers, Heavy Chemicals and Author. Love People, High Tech, Space and Afrikaans/English Translator.

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