Own “Will” Man and Science

Mattheus Frederik
3 min readJul 2, 2019


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To make Creation less mysterious so that we can get closer to the idea of fully understanding and knowing creation and nature laws, we need the God Given Research of Science!

The knowledge we gain from science must be used to do good and not evil deeds! Man can destroy himself and the Creation of God because we are not smart enough to understand and determine all the consequences of our knowledge!

The US act during the Second World War (WWII) where innocent people died in Japan after Atomic Bombs thrown at Hiroshima and Nagasaki is a striking example of what can happen if you cannot determine the consequences of your actions. The fact that one can do what he wants is to make it critical to decide on what is right and what is evil! The essential problem of artificial intelligence is the latter, which is a very contentious subject of discussion.

Einstein was incompatible with the idea that man had a free will and his philosophy was that everything was predetermined (Deterministic), in 1932 he said and quoted Schopenhauer, German philosopher’s words:

In mind there is no absolute or free will; but the spirit is determined to wish this or that by a cause, which has also been determined by another reason, and this last by another object, and so on to infinity.
~ Baruch Spinoza

“The words accompany me in all situations throughout my life and reconcile myself with the actions of others, even if they are rather painful to me. This awareness of the lack of freedom prevents me from acting myself on my fellow human beings, causing me to lose my temper

This philosophy and views of Einstein and Schopenhauer on a free will are extremely dangerous and in reality, means that the US and its Leaders cannot be held responsible for the act against Japan! The author believes that the action was extremely irresponsible. There must have been other ways to end the war! It claimed that Einstein later regretted his invention, which led to the production of nuclear bombs!

Religion appears to have had no input in the manufacture and application of atom bombs to Japan!

If one decomposes Schopenhauer’s words, he says a man can “do” only “ what God wants you to do!.” The Prayer “, Our Father,” is a good example;

Our father’s father who is in heaven

Hallowed be Thy name;

let thy kingdom come;

make your will done on earth,

just like in heaven


God’s commanded that Adam and Eve not eat the fruit of the Good and Evil tree, but they still did it!

It is the author’s opinion that Einstein’s and Schopenhauer’s views are a misconception and cannot be an accepted statement among scientists and Christians! It is clear to the writer that GOD, with the Creation of man, had the intention of creating man with his own will because GOD created man to His image! Adam and Eve had eaten free from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil after GOD warned them both not to do so. Adam and Eve did not heed this warning because they did not have control over their action? If they did not have a free will, then God did not command them not to eat of the “fruit.”

The Principle of “Cause (Event) and Consequence (Outcome) is extremely important for Observation in Science, Religion and an ordered social life!

Man is morally responsible for his actions. You cannot disregard the elements of the” Ten Commandments “ and claim that you have done the deeds without a free will and therefore you cannot be responsible for the cause and effect!

Einstein convinced that man could not understand the nature of God. An excellent example of what Einstein means is the “Concept of the Big Bang” because there is no example in Science or Religion!

Author: Mattheus Frederik



Mattheus Frederik
Mattheus Frederik

Written by Mattheus Frederik

Experience in Explosives, Fertilizers, Heavy Chemicals and Author. Love People, High Tech, Space and Afrikaans/English Translator.

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