Metamorphosis of change
Evolution is the heartbeat of Atheism and is the weapon of those who adhere to the faith of development and deny the existence of GOD!
Atheist also claims:
“Science proves there is no need for God.”
Can it be true? Let’s look at the biggest false news of the 20th Century and analyse, based on the scientific method, whether Charles Darwin’s Theory can be right?
The basis of Evolution Theory is the assumption that “mutations” of animals, plants and humans have undergone a metamorphosis and have changed from a simple organism into a multitude of complex organisms.
The so-called mutations have accompanied by tremendous changes in the functional genetic information in the DNA of the microorganisms. The alleged modifications and new data have caused all living organisms to emerge from it!
The mutations mentioned above that have arisen spontaneously are the basis for the claim that a God or designer is not needed!
“The assertion of evolutionists of the type of mutations/information has never been observed by anyone”, not even by the father of evolution, Charles Darwin! The so-called “missing-in” mutations or missing link have never been observed, such as in-between mutations of fish that change in land animals and birds!
Measurement shows that evolution is false for the following reasons:
1. Development is just a theory. It is not a scientific law.
2. Natural selection based on a reasoning cause: the most potent mutation is the survival mutation, and the survival mutation is considered to be the strongest. It sounds like chaos
3. Evolution is unscientific because it cannot be tested or counterfeit. It claims events that cannot be observed and can never create. Humans can not re-create DNA mutations.
4. More and more, scientists doubt the truth of evolution.
5. The differences between evolutionary biologists are evidence of how little scientific support there is for development.
6. If humans descended from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
7. Evolution cannot explain how life first appeared on earth.
8. Mathematically, it is inconceivable that anything as complex as a protein, which is still a living cell or a human, could have accidentally originated.
9. The Second Law of Thermodynamics says systems are becoming more disorderly over time. Thus, living cells could not have originated from inorganic chemicals, and therefore, multicellular life could not have arisen from protozoa.
10. Mutations are essential for the theory of evolution, but mutations can only eliminate properties that already exist. They can’t recreate new features
11. Natural selection may explain micro-evolution, but it cannot explain the origin of new species and higher orders of life.
12. No one has ever seen a new species develop.
13. Evolutionists cannot point out any transition fossils (the so-called “missing link”) — for example, creatures that are half-reptile and half-bird.
14. Living organisms have fantastically complex functions — such as the anatomical, cellular and molecular levels — that cannot function if they were at all less complex or sophisticated. The only sensible conclusion is that they are the products of intelligent design and not evolution.
15. Recent discoveries have shown that even at the microscopic level, life has a quality of complexity that did not originate from development.
MEASURE proves that evolution cannot be confirmed because there is no evidence. Measurement determines that an intelligent being is needed step by step, beginning to end to build, organise, and prevent a smart functioning system from being interrupted or compromised!
The same assumption applies to our HYPOTHESIS as far as EXPERIMENTAL WORK, FORMULATION and MODIFICATION are concerned. The intellectual must have the ability to pre-conceptualise the system, get the different elements together, integrate it into the system and build it. The system and its components must be in the right proportion to the appropriate DNA, cell-communicating electronics, weight, size and matter to make it function properly!