Looking at Life
Looking at life from a specific timeline
Agnes Louis wrote a beautiful story about the boyfriend that “Love is in and out and then came back”. The story of Agnes fueled the initiative to explain what I meant in my response! Agnes was the observer when the love is in and when he came back. When love was out his vision was not observed by Agnes, love existed but followed by someone else. What all observers see is happening simultaneously and at the same time
Time is relative and flexible according to Einstein, “the dividing line between past, present, and future is an illusion”, The concept of time is an illusion made up by human memories of different timelines. When you erect a statue outside your house, watch the sculpture for 24 hours, it will stay there. The surroundings will change from the morning, afternoon and night and any weather changes in between. This happens because the earth turns on its axel. What will happen if you stop earth turning on its axel and around the Sun? You will stop earth time!
“Albert Einstein, in his theory of special relativity, determined that the laws of physics are the same for all non-accelerating observers. He showed that the speed of light within a vacuum is the same no matter the speed at which an observer travels.”
As a result, he found that space and time is a single continuum known as space-time. Events that occur at the same time for one observer could occur at different times for another.”
Memories happen in different timelines.
The human intellect will eventually capture this. The human being has a mysterious faculty called intuition that “sees”. There is no logic involved in this act of seeing. Logical thinking is time-bound.
We can change the way we see things by adopting space-time.
Now let us try our best to understand time. Time needs two events that are stored in memory to infer that there is something called “time” between these two events. So without consciousness, is there this concept called “time”? So that shows that “time” is a concept and not an existential reality. We can never experience time as we do smell or taste or touch.
Sounds terrific, but our present intellect can never grasp this! We can figure this out by changing to space-time
Let us now try to understand space. We have all seen a rainbow in the sky. Colour is not a substance, but it is only a sensation. That means that colour is the brain’s reaction to a particular wavelength of the electromagnetic wave. We see rainbows when the sun is behind us, and falling rain is in front of us. -When sunlight strikes a falling drop of water, it is refracted, changed in direction, by the surface of the water. The light continues into the decline and reflected from the back of the drop to the front. There is genuinely no colour “out there”, but the mind creates it. Each one of us is creating our rainbow. There is no rainbow “out there”! If you take the colour out of this universe, what remains of it? Apply the same logic to the other senses. If you are with me so far, is there a universe out there if there is no brain to perceive it?
Einstein had this doubt: If I do not see the moon, is there a moon at all? The answer is: no there is no moon as an objective reality in its own right. Without an observer, there is nothing to be observed! but it may be noted in another earth timeline. If time was the same everywhere and communication available in the observer’s brain at the same time the moon will be visible to all observers.
That said, time is an illusion. Irreversible physical processes create the illusion of time. In a world where nothing ever changes, time cannot exist.
Let us invoke quantum mechanics here to understand space a little better. When an observer starts observing a sub-atomic particle, it starts to behave like a wave. That means it appears and disappears alternately. That means a sub-atomic particle is just an appearance of a sub-atomic particle. Now the fundamental question is “to whom is this appearance?” The observer, according to science, is just a cluster of sub-atomic particles.
How can a group of sub-atomic particles observe the presence or absence of sub-atomic particle? Science cannot answer this question.