If I Could
Author’s Note: For our loved ones, we wish we could give them everything they could want. We will put a lot of effort into showing them how much we care, and we will do anything to make them happy. But ultimately the most important thing we can do is to be someone who is always there for them.
Video: https://youtu.be/q51TOj3FK8Q
© Lydia C. Dunne: Published: August 2017
If I could catch a rainbow,
I’d do so just for you
So you could share its beauty
On the days you’re feeling blue.
If I could, I’d buy an island
You could call it your very own,
A place to find serenity,
Where you could be alone.
If I could take your troubles
I’d throw them in the sea,
But all these things I’m finding
Are impossible for me.
’Cause I can’t buy an island
Nor catch a rainbow fair,
So I’ll just do what I do best:
Be someone who’s always there.
As Ek Net Kon
Skrywers Nota: Vir ons geliefdes, wens ons dat ons hulle alles moontlik kan gee wat hulle wil hê. Ons sal baie moeite doen om hulle te wys hoeveel ons omgee, en ons sal enigiets doen om hulle gelukkig te maak. Maar uiteindelik is die belangrikste ding wat ons kan doen is om iemand te wees wat altyd daar vir hulle is.
Vertaal: Mattheus Frederik
Video: https://youtu.be/1Dg-W-9PTq8
As ek ‘n reënboog kon vang,
Sal ek dit net vir jou doen
Jy kan die skoonheid deel
Op die dae wat jy ontsteld is.
As ek kon, sou ek ‘n eiland koop
Wat jy jou eie kan noem,
Plek om vrede te vind,
Waar slegs jy kan wees.
As ek al jou probleme bymekaar maak
Sal ek dit in die see gooi,
Maar al hierdie dinge vind ek
Is onmoontlik vir my?
Want ek kan nie ‘n eiland koop nie
En daar is ook nie ‘n reënboog mark nie,
Dus sal ek net doen wat ek die beste doen:
Iemand wat altyd naby aan jou is.