I miss you so much

Author: Mattheus Frederik 04/11/2020 (Afrikaans poem translated)

Mattheus Frederik
2 min readNov 5, 2020

I miss you so much: https://youtu.be/bU_Z04hQk7o

I miss you so much-Harley Davidson

Yet, in the evening, I remember the calm mellowness of your eyes.
And would love you lay with your women’s warmth against my skin
So that I could whisper all the love in your ear again!

I wish I could hear how you sleep peacefully at night:
Your eyes closed and your breath a soft symphony against my heart.
I wish I could cherish your calabashes
Carefully — but scared like a blind man
Stroke, every spiral of your body, like the snares of a Violin
And stare for hours into your quiet, blissful eyes.

I wish I could touch your lips softly with mine
And taste the warm wonder of our love
I wish I could just hold you again
And enfold you tightly in my existence,
For every moment I think of you.

So, reminisce with me,
Dream with me,
Write my name on the lining inside your hand
Like a schoolgirl and blush for me.

For behold, the autumn of remembrance is now over
The long winters of our being alone
Our love now a shared long summer.

Ek mis jou so

Skrywer: Clinton V du Plessis

Ek mis jou: https://youtu.be/gZrko9pKd2I

Ek mis jou so — Harley Davidson

Tog onthou ek saans die kalm klamtes van jou oë.

Ek sou so graag wou hê
dat jy vrouwarmsag teen my lyf moes lê
sodat ek al die woorde self in jou oor kon sê.

Ek wens ek kon luister, hoe jy snags snoesig slaap:
jou oë toe, jou asem ’n sagte simfonie teen my bors.
ek wens ek kon jou kalbassies koester
en versigtig-bang soos ’n blinde man
elke ronding van jou lyf soos ’n viool streel en stryk
en vir ure in jou stil sagte oë bly kyk.

Ek wens ek kon weer met my lippe aan joune raak
en die warm wonder van ons samesyn smaak
ek wens ek kon jou net weer vashou
en jou styf in my bestaan toevou,
want elke oomblik dink ek nou aan jou.

Dus, dink aan my,
droom van my,
skryf my naam op die binnekant van jou hand
soos ’n verliefde skooldogter en
bloos vir my.

Want kyk, die herfs van ongedeelde onthou is nou verby
en die lang winters van ons alleenwees
is nou uiteindelik ’n sekersomer van saamwees.



Mattheus Frederik
Mattheus Frederik

Written by Mattheus Frederik

Experience in Explosives, Fertilizers, Heavy Chemicals and Author. Love People, High Tech, Space and Afrikaans/English Translator.

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