The Golden Locks Model (The Habitable Zone) does not determine that the earth can sustain life alone. We believe that life did not originate naturally or spontaneously but exists where God has chosen to create it, and it can be elsewhere in heaven. God made the earth special for a man to live on, even though it is only temporary. We and the planet we live on are divine and incredible creations that make us unique. God has done endlessly with the nature of man, the earth, all the plants and animals to make it complete and self-sustaining.
The more we examine and research heaven and earth, the more we realise the Almighty Greatness of God! In the underlying Bible verse from Isaiah 45:18, God says “He made Heaven and Earth to be inhabited and that He did not do it empty!” Here God himself answers the question of whether we are alone in the Cosmos.
Isaiah 45:18 New International Version (NIV)
For this is what the Lord says — he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; He did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited — he says: “I am the Lord, and there is no other.”
If God also made life on other planets, some of our brothers are very concerned about complex questions about the Fall and the Curse.
A wonderful future awaits
I know for sure that our present suffering cannot compare to the glory with which God is going to surprise us.
Creation longs for that day when God will openly reveal His children.
For against His will, all creation is caught up in a senseless cycle of degradation because of God’s punishment for the first people’s disobedience. All creation looks forward to the day when it will also be freed from the slave service to this mortality and partake of the glorious freedom of God’s children.
What’s more, we who have received the Spirit as a foretaste and guarantee of our future glory also groan within us in our longing to released from our corruptible bodies.
Now that we have redeemed, we look forward to our future glory. Because if you already have something, you no longer have to look forward to it.
But if you don’t have it yet, you look forward eagerly and persistently.
The Spirit of God also helps us in our ineptness. After all, we don’t know what and how we should pray. But the Spirit Himself takes up our prayer needs before God with sighs that cannot express in human language. This God, who understands the depths of each heart, knows what the Spirit has in mind — that He intercedes for the believers in harmony with God’s will. And we know that God works together for the good of those who love Him, those who called according to His purpose for their lives. In this way, Christ Jesus will be the eldest son, surrounded by many brothers and sisters.
He also called those whom He appointed in advance. And those whom He called He also acquitted. And those whom he has ransomed, he gave them to glory.
Romans 8:22 New International Version (NIV)
We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.
Romans 8:22 tells us that all of Cosmos is suffering from the Fall and the Curse, Does Adam and Eve’s sin also relate to beings living on other planets? Did God create living creatures on other planets? If they have souls, do they need salvation? Are they also subject to God’s gracious salvation through the death of His Son, Jesus Christ?
The answers to all the questions are that we do not know! And because we do not know it does not mean that we should not suffer an “exploratory” life and that we should go and hide until God comes to fetch us. I don’t think that’s what God wants us to do.
So far, the search for life on other planets has agreed with the God Creation Model, but it has contradicted the evolutionary worldview.
Was Creation A One-off Event or Multiple?
It may now be necessary that we look again at the “One-off Event” or the so-called “Singularity” and its definitions.
The standard definition of “Singularity” is a noun that refers to a strange, unique, remarkable, one-off or unusual event such as the Big Bang, after which the entire universe, with all its galaxies, was created in seconds!
There is no Scientific evidence for a “One-time Creation Event”.
There are, however, multiple scientific evidence for star explosions such as supernovae that occur commonly in the universe and have consequences as described in Genesis. Events in the Bible still reveal and shake a man to his foundations and leave him speechless.
For a more specific definition of Singularity, we may consult the Dictionary for the following five definitions
1. The condition of single fold, definite, peculiar or unusual event
2. A point where all parallel lines meet
3. A location where a particular variable reaches an unlimited or infinite value
4. (Math) the amount or range of values of a function for which a derivative value does not exist
5. (Physics) a point or region in space-time in which gravitational forces cause matter to reach an infinite density associated with high-density black holes.