It’s the smell in your garments before midnight
It’s the men’s fantasies
about the day hunting
It’s my heart’s dwelling
Collectively we will cry and together we will laugh
Bring the bush guitar for a man to sing
Yes a man must sing
Privilege to share hardekool
all the blood brothers unite
flames seal the friendship
Men this is a privilege
to be here tonight
under the bushveld moon
sing the hardekool
Nah Nah Nah nahhh
Nah Nah Nah nahhh
hardwood singing
men this an opportunity
Nah Nah Nah nahhh
Nah Nah Nah nahhh
hardekool singing
under the bushveld moon
sing hardekool
It’s the green mopane
it’s the old slate
It’s all the stars in heaven
sitting quietly at night
listen to the fire that speaks
to the light that lectures
men this is a privilege
to share hardekool