Ezekiel’s Spacecraft
“Da tat sich der Himmel auf”
Ezekiel’s description of what he observed while staying with Jewish exiles along the Kebar River in Babylon is that of a spacecraft. Because the report contains astounding technical details, it was necessary to include a mechanical engineer’s findings and analysis of what Ezekiel described in the Bible.
A native of Steyr, Austria, is Blumrich’s proprietor of patents on numerous inventions.
Until recently, the author was head of the Systems Layout branch at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. In previous years he developed the structural design of the “Saturn V-booster” and participated in the design of Skylab. He left NASA to spend his full time researching space visitors in ancient times.
He wrote the book “Da tat sich der Himmel auf” (The Spacecraft of Ezekiel).
References in some sacred writings, to strange machines and phenomena, dominated the entire human history and caused speculation and assumption to give acceptable, rational, explanations of the mechanisms and phenomena.
Advanced technical knowledge and testing procedures were used to reconstruct and experience a model of six and a half thousand years ago by one of the four great Jewish prophets. Ezekiel.
Any thoughts of visits to our planet by aliens immediately stopped by the realisation that existing scientific knowledge excludes the possibility.
If such appointments can be made possible, they should arise outside our solar system, and interstellar journeys are impossible at present.
This traditional with the wealth of humanity’s legends that explain the exact opposite, “gods” have come out of the air. Their appearances often accompanied by fire, smoke and loud noise; Their influence on humans was most beneficial to the people of the specific periods in which these visitors appeared. If the source of this information is the “primitive” people, we call it a fable; As the origin of religious scriptures of the more developed civilisations, we interpret the stories in a more spiritual or even holy way or ignore it because we feel ignorant about the subject. We also go so far as to say we believe the Bible, which is the word of God but refuses to speak about it.
That this attitude is unfair and wrong is manifested in at least two respects: it ignores the sincere and honest conviction of the people involved in and reports the incidents. And is attributed to hallucination, the effects of drugs, or common confusion!
But this attitude is also wrong and unfair in terms of man’s future development, even denying the possibility of progress in the corresponding fields of science.
So it seems we have a paradigm paralysis due to an apparent conflict between science and legend. The road is not entirely blocked: we can progress in this critical field of knowledge once we realise that science and engineering are two separate (though not independent) activities, each with its area of interest. We need to acknowledge the current inability of science to help formulate responses to space visitors while realising that engineering and industrial technology not exposed to the fiasco.
The participation of engineers becomes an absolute requirement in evaluating configurations and phenomena that imply visits from other worlds. Here it is only natural that our extensive knowledge of spacecraft emerges as a contributor to the critical research and exploration.
The reason for my interest (Blumrich)
My involvement with foreign space visitors started with a severe negative attitude. Having worked as an aviation engineer in the design and analysis of aircraft since 1934. Over the past fifteen years, I have been designing and developing both launch vehicles and spacecraft. I was in the camp of those who believed that space visitors were an illusion!
It was in this line of thought that I began to read Erich von Daniken’s “Chariots of the gods”. His claim that the Prophet Ezekiel confronted with spacecraft, carefully let me read the Bible book Ezekiel with the sole intention of proving von Daniken wrong.
By the time I finished reading verse 7 of the very first chapter, I had faced myself with a description of the landing pads of a kind of flying vehicle: “Their legs were straight, and the soles of their feet were round, and they glowed like bronze. I involved in such design and testing and was possible a direct but simple technical description.”
The contrast of that clear description with the rather poor pictures outlined by the rest of the chapter made me realise that the Prophet could not know what it was or could not understand what he saw. I am aware of the consequences of this: the Prophet could only describe his encounters with spacecraft and their aliens in the terms available to him — with words and comparisons known to him and his contemporaries.
I began to take Ezekiel seriously and admire him from engineering, that is my passion.
Because I had to rely on translations, I used six different Bibles, used early in the century to 1972, edited by Jewish Roman Catholic and Protestant translators. I used two highly detailed Biblical commentaries. My knowledge of aircraft (specifically helicopters) and spacecraft principles, Ezekiel’s visual depictions penetrated and convinced of well-known structure configurations in his observations.
The drawing shows the final result at the beginning of this report. There we see a quasi-conical main structure, supported by four helicopter units, which carry the control capsule on its rounded upper part. We must take into account that Ezekiel saw the vehicle when it was about 1000 meters away from him and probably at the moment the nuclear engine fired and white clouds perhaps caused by condensation (due to the engine’s “cooling” phase) flowed past the vessel’s main body. In this fiery, dynamic environment, Ezekiel becomes aware of the moving rotors, seeing the landing pads and mechanical arms attached to the helicopter units. He also heard the noise coming from the helicopter rotors and the ultrasound sounds and attributed them to sounds from his age and reminded him of sounds that were known to him.
His first reaction is to compare the helicopters with male figures, but then he finds in the term “living creatures” an expression of admirable vagueness to reflect his uncertainty. Ezekiel admires the landing pedestals of the helicopter’s gear mechanisms and coverts that protect the gears, which he best described by comparing them with human faces. He looks at the red-hot heat exchanger that looked like glowing coals as one would see in an oven. (Chapter 1, verse 13) 13. “As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like a burning pillar of fire, and like the appearance of lamps it went forth among the living creatures, and the light was shining and out of the sun. The light shone out of the beam and covered part of the lower central body. The Prophet was fascinated by the wheels which, in their basic form, were the only element which he recognised and thus described in detail. The visual description of the wheel misinterpreted in numerous paintings and texts, yet no one has ever taken the functional description seriously, suggesting that the wheels can move in either direction without turning or driving.
(The latter leading me to develop an accurate engineer interpretation I had patented by the US Patent Office, №3,789,947, on February 5, 1974.)
The amount of detail he includes is impressive. It is essential that the Prophet describes features that are important to engineering, but which bear the same weight to the eye as correct structural elements.
The quasi-conical shape of the spacecraft’s central structure, which is ideal for allowing its combination with the four fixed helicopters and also for back air throttling, is an essential feature of the vehicle as an outstanding engineering product. It was developed at NASA’s “Langley Research Center” and has been analysed analytically and tested in a series of wind tunnels.
After studying the general configuration of the spaceship, I did an analytical investigation. Although the setting was structurally and functionally sound, its feasibility demonstrated and other essential activities limits analysis parametrically a wide variety of possibilities are varied/altered.
From the first rough calculation to the final detailed analysis confirmed the results and there was no doubt about the feasibility of the vehicles: they reveal a general technology of spacecraft not far beyond our own, most advanced capabilities.
The only element we couldn’t build is the nuclear reactor within the propulsion system. Although it would be a split atomic reactor, it would require a specific impulse of at least 2000 seconds at about 900 seconds of today’s nuclear engines. However, it is reasonable to assume that within a few decades, we would have this ability if we invest enough money and effort into its development.
The overall consequence would be the development and design of a spacecraft that is technically feasible and well designed to be functional and purposeful. The technology that Ezekiel observed for 6.5 thousand years is by no means fantastic, but even in the extreme, it is almost within our abilities today.
It is also an indication that the technology of the aliens was highly developed compared to our own, which has not yet existed!
The results further indicate that Ezekiel’s spacecraft, in conjunction with a mothership rotating in orbit around Earth. We have no firm reference to a precise determination of the dimensions of the landing vessel, but we can approach it within the scope of what I have analysed analytically. The above illustration shows the shape and relationships.
The centre line of the central body will be about 18 m. The rotor of a helicopter unit will be 11 m, the total weight from the time of landing the ground for the return flight to the mothership will be 100 000 kg. Two or three passengers can carry.
With these conclusions at my disposal, I had to confess my defeat to Von Daniken; I wrote to Eric von Daniken and explained that my attempt to refute his theory led to structural and analytical evidence of much of his hypothesis. The terms of the shape, dimensions and functional abilities of Ezekiel’s observations make logical sense except for several passages in his text that are otherwise meaningless; It is also advisable to separate the prophetic or visionary passages of Ezekiel’s observations from those relating to space ships. (I limit my studies to the latter.) As an engineer, I am not competent to investigate the aspects not associated with the engineering of the aeroplane.
On the book written by myself, titled “The Spaceships of Ezekiel”, a friend of mine commented:
“This book concludes that the above analysis was not the full story”.
Blumrich agrees that the wheel in a wheel was exceptional and unknown technology, but he goes one step further and claims that it describes only a small part of the vessel.
According to Blumrich, the whole chapter was a detailed description of a meeting with a UFO.
Ezekiel 1:16
The appearance and structure of the wheels enchanted Ezekiel.
The wheels shone like precious stones. All four wheels looked precisely the same. Inside each wheel, there was another wheel that turned across it.
Even the story behind the book is fascinating. Blumrich points out that he has investigated the subject in response to Erich von Daniken’s book of gods.
In the introduction to his book, Blumrich says that he, “von Daniken read with the attitude of someone who knows in advance that the conclusions presented are in no way correct.” In other words, he thought Daniken was premature and made assumptions that cannot be scientifically proven. Blumrich decided to prove Daniken’s thinking scientifically wrong!
What he found, after intense engineering research, was just the opposite. He convinced me that Ezekiel exact accurate and detailed version of an encounter with space beings. The conclusion is exciting if you think it comes from a person who was not religious at all and a person who would not easily reach such conclusions.
Here is Blumrich’s verse for a new analysis of Ezekiel Chapter One on which his work based. (The book contains much, much more information than I could ever present here), but instead, summary conclusions new Biblical Prophecy” by G. Cope Schellhorn, pages 106–108:
Ezekiel 1: 4
As I watched, I saw a big storm coming towards me from the north. Before the wind, there was a giant cloud in which the lightning struck and a bright light burned. The fire bin in the cloud shone like glowing metal.
Blumrich summary: The spacecraft becomes visible in its near initial flight at a distance from where the Prophet stands. The cooling vapour cloud is visible before the rocket engine fired.
Ezekiel 1: 5
From the middle of the cloud came four living creatures that looked like humans,
Blumrich Summary: The Prophet sees four shapes surrounded by fire and vapour that look alive. These are helicopter-like figures deployed before the last phase of the landing.
Ezekiel 1: 6
From the middle of the cloud came four living creatures that looked like humans,
Blumrich Summary: The Prophet can now see more features because the vessel is at a low altitude. He sees the four blades of the rotors and the gear and hydraulic covers above the rotors that reflect the appearance of faces.
Ezekiel 1: 7
Their legs were straight like a man, but their feet looked like a calf, and it shone like bronze rubbed.
Blumrich Summary: This is a description of the landing pads. The legs have shock absorbers and round flat foot pieces.
Ezekiel 1: 8
Under each of the four wings, I could see hands like those of people.
Blumrich Summary: This refers to remote-controlled mechanical arms hanging along with the cylindrical helicopter figures.
Ezekiel 1: 9
The wings of each living being touched the sides of the two standing next to him. The creatures could fly in any direction without turning.
Blumrich Summary: A reference to the helicopter blades that overlap.
Ezekiel 1:10
Each had the face of one’s face, the face of a lion on the right, the face of an ox on the left and the face of an eagle on the back.
Blumrich Summary: The sloping surfaces of the gear and other control covers that protect the rotors, looked like the faces of the Prophet. The movement of the helicopter figures is irregular, which from the angle of the Prophet’s observations, resembles the heads of humans and animals.
Blumrich shows pictures of Gemini and Apollo capsules that look like samples at certain angles.
Ezekiel 1:11
Each also had two pairs of outstretched wings. With a few sides, they touched the other one standing next to them. With the other couple, they closed themselves.
Blumrich summary: The first section refers to the divided rotor blades. There seems to be some gap in the control mechanism or shift. The last part of the verse refers to the rotor blades folded in an up and down position.
Ezekiel 1:12
They went in any direction the Spirit wanted. They could go straight ahead without ever turning around.
Blumrich Summary: This refers to the landing leg assembly and the retractable wheels. Ezekiel first sees the wheels as they deployed in verse 15. Verses nine, twelve and fifteen are interrelated.
Ezekiel 1:13
The creatures looked like fine coals of fire that glowed or as bright lights burning. It flashes or flashes back and forth between them.
Blumrich Summary: Ezekiel refers to the flowing reactor heat exchanger and the propulsion of the control rockets when deployed. The light ray effect comes from the alternation of different control rockets for stabilisation.
Ezekiel 1:14
The creatures move like lightning rays to and fro.
Blumrich Summary: The spacecraft moves in different directions until a suitable landing site found.
Ezekiel 1:15
As I stared at these creatures, I saw four wheels on the ground next to each animal.
Blumrich Summary: The wheels deployed. They appear needed for the landing.
Ezekiel 1: 16–21
The wheels shone like precious stones. All four wheels looked precisely the same. Inside each wheel, there was another wheel that turned across it. The creatures could move forward in any direction they look without turning as they move. The four wheels were impressive, and they were full of eyes all around.
As the four creatures moved, the wheels moved with them. As they ascended, the wheels also went up. The Spirit of the four living beings was in the motor. That is why the wheels and the creatures went wherever the Spirit went. As the animals moved, the wheels rolled. And when the creatures stood still, the wheels also stood still. When the creatures rose in the air, the wheels also rose, for the Spirit of the animals was in the motor.
Blumrich Summary: The green-blue colour of the wheels indicates a protective film or layer — description reversible even fused like a wheel inside a wheel. These wheels seem to obey orders and are subject to remote control. Ezekiel had experience with wheels, but the wheels are mysterious. Ezekiel gives a lot of time to the wheel description. The vessel moves over the ground, probably in a manoeuvre to find the most suitable place.
Ezekiel 1:22
There was a dome above their heads like the horizon. It shone like a crystal, and it was frightening.
Blumrich Summary: Here is a description of the main structure of the vessel. We get its basic shape that scattered of a sky. The surface of the main fabric is metallic, shiny and bright.
Ezekiel 1:23
Under this surface were the wings of the beings stretched together, and each also had two sides to cover their bodies.
Blumrich Summary: We provide additional information regarding the position of the helicopter blades concerning the main structure. The rotor blades are in the rest position.
Ezekiel 1: 24–25
When they fly, they roam wings like waves breaking on the beach, or like the voice of the Almighty, or like the noise of a large number of soldiers. And when they stopped, they lowered their wings. There came a voice from above the dome over the heads of the creatures, and they dropped their arms as they finished.
Blumrich Summary: The verses describe working rotor blade motors and the resulting sound effects.
Ezekiel 1:26
Above the dome above their heads, there was something like a throne of blue sapphire. High above this throne, there was a figure that looked like a human. On his hips upwards, his body glowed like warm metal. And down from his hips, he looked like a very bright flame burning.
Blumrich summary: The Prophet describes the light radiance of the commander’s flight suit, which, according to Blumrich, is caused by the reflective surfaces of certain insulation materials used in the Apollo moon module, and reminds much of the following two verses from the Word of God.
Rev. 1: 12–15 and Daniel 10: 6
I then turned to see who’s talking to me. After turning around, I saw seven golden candlesticks
and in the middle of the candlesticks Someone like the Son of Man. He was wearing a garment that hung up to his feet, and a gold band tied around his chest.
His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes like a flame of fire.
His feet were like polished copper that glowed in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of many streams of water.
Daniel 10: 6
His body shone like a gem, his face radiating like lightning, his eyes shining like burning torches, his arms and legs shining like polished bronze, and his words sounded like a roar.
The light effects, especially the golden glow effect attributed by some modern-day witnesses to close encounters with UFO crew members. The Fatima incident earlier in the century is an excellent example of the slick effects such as the new explanation offered by Charles Silva’s book “Date With The Gods.”
Ezekiel 1:28
Right around him, the light was as bright as the gloss of a rainbow between the clouds. So the glory of the Lord appeared to me. When I saw it, I fell on my face on the ground, and then I heard Someone talking to me.
Blumrich summary: Here is the optical light emission of the transparent cabochon-shaped command module mounted on the top of the body of the spacecraft. Sunlight striking the seamless surface and hitting other surfaces within the blade causes a rainbow light radiation. See also Enog 14: 9–22 and Revel. 4: 3.
Enoch 14: 9–22
And I went in until I came near a wall built of crystals and surrounded by fires; it frightened me. And I went into the midst of the fire and drew nigh unto a magnificent house built of diamonds, and the walls of the house were like a plastered floor of crystals and were also of glass. His ceiling was like the sky laid out with stars and lightning rays, and between them, flaming cherubim (angels), and their heaven was (transparent as) water. A blazing fire surrounded the walls, and its entrances lit went into the house, insides hot and cold. There were no life-pleasures in it; fear came upon me, and I began to tremble. And as I was afraid of fear and trembling, I fell upon my face. And I saw a face, and look! There was a second house, more significant than the previous one, and the whole entrance was open in front of me and built of flames of fire. And in all respects, it has witnessed splendour in scope that I can hardly find the words to describe it. And his floor was of fire, and above it was flashes of lightning, the way of the stars, and his ceiling was also burning fire. And I looked and saw a high throne; its appearance was like crystal and his wheels like the light of the sun, and there were angels. And under the dominion came streams of a flaming fire that blinded me so that I could not look directly at it. And the Majestic Glorious God sat on it, and his clothes were brighter than the sun and were whiter than any snow. None of the angels could enter into Him, and no one was allowed to see His face because of His greatness and glory. The fire surrounded Him, and a great fire stood before Him so that no one could come near Him; Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him, but He needed no counsel.
Revelation 4: 3
And the one sitting there was just like jasper and carnelian, while there was a rainbow with the shine of emerald hanging around the throne.
Blumrich: We must pay close attention to Ezekiel’s initial error of identity. He confused the spacecraft with God. Blumrich continues to give similar observations to the entire Ezekiel book. He even came to the conclusion that Ezekiel remained on board the vessel several times and interacted with the commander of the vehicle. If you want to explore the topic further, I would recommend finding Blumrich’s book so that you can read all his conclusions firsthand.
We can rightly ask the question: Did Ezekiel try to give us a full report on meeting space beings? Were these creatures sent by God to deliver a message to Ezekiel? Interesting but controversial questions.
I cannot make you decide, but I have not heard any other explanation of Ezekiel’s experiences that are realistic to me. Unfortunately, discussions in churches on the subject are prohibited.
The author’s conclusion
There should be no doubt that the report of Ezekiel is entirely accurate. The reason we have to believe him is the fact that the terms and words he uses indicate the truth. No man in the time Ezekiel lived could think of such a story. It also demonstrates that aliens were technically and scientifically ahead of humanities time.