Demons Of Darkness
© Olivia B-
Published: September 2015
She stood on the bridge
In silence and fear,
For the demons of darkness
Had driven her here.
They cut her heart
Right out of her chest,
Making her believe
That the demons knew best.
They were always there,
Sometimes just out of sight,
Waiting in the background
Till the time was right.
These demons were destructive,
Knocking down the life she knew,
Hating everything about her;
She hated herself, too.
These demons can’t be seen,
But they’re far from fairy tales.
They live inside your mind;
Their evilness prevails.
Here where I stand on the bridge,
About to end the fight.
I hesitate and think:
One more night I will fight them
Duiwels In Die Skaduwee
Vertaal: Mattheus Frederik
Gepubliseer: 8 Augustus 2020
Ek staan op die brug
In stilte en vrees,
Die duiwels van die duisternis
Het my hierheen gebring.
Hulle verwyder my hart
Uit my bors,
Laat my glo
Dat die duiwels die beste weet.
Hulle was altyd daar,
Soms net buite sig,
Wagtend in die skaduwee
Totdat die tyd reg is.
Hierdie duiwels is vernietigend,
Die lewe wat ek geken het,
En hulle haat alles omtrent my;
Soos ek myself ook haat.
Die duiwels is onsigbaar,
Ver van sprokiesland.
Hulle leef in my gedagtes;
Hulle boosheid heers
Hier waar ek op die brug staan,
Gereed om die geveg te beëindig.
Huiwer ek en dink:
Vanaand sal ek teen hulle veg