Clothes would wear them forever.
Eve told Adam
I’m walking in the Garden
That’s right, my dolly pop,
said Adam, to the most
beautiful lady in the world,
She is, after all, made by God
She stayed away for a long time
He went to see where she was lingering
Shocked he saw where she was
at the Tree of Good and Evil,
in the company of another
a beautiful young woman.
She was in an embrace he saw as
similar to himself and a woman.
Eve was blushing and her eyes
radiant of happiness
Let me introduce you to me
New friend. His name is Lucifer,
and he is unsurpassed.
Adam is confused.
Eva says Lucifer,
her friend is a man, but he sees a woman
Lucy invites him closer permits him
to do things with her body while he
kiss and surrender with lust.
Adam realises what he and Eve are
doing is wrong. “What we do Eve.”
he shouts” Didn’t God warn us
not to eating this fruit? “
Crying, Eva blames Lucifer
and ask how can this be:
“If it is so nice and pleasing!”
As they look at each other, they become
Overwhelmed with a feeling of lust,
guilt and nudity and the consciousness,
forced not to look at their unclothed bodies.
They know that this is the only way to evade
the lust and the spirit of seduction