Beloved Sweetheart

Mattheus Frederik
3 min readAug 26, 2019


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Michael didn’t know what to do with his feelings for Monique. He wants to get rid of this driving energy, but how does he do that? It’s like fire burning, but also nourishing. Without this, his life would be cold and empty. He must, therefore, endure the fire until he becomes accustomed to it or goes away by itself.

Michael visits the older man and begins with a detour. Surely he cannot say straight away that he is in love with the daughter of uncle Sakkie.

The old man’s health has improved so much that he sits outside when the wind is warm. Both sat like previously with the silence between them and the noise of the waves opposite the dune.

Michael scrapes his courage together.

“Uncle Sakkie, were you ever in love?”

“Of course! I would not have been a human creature if I wasn’t.”

What now? The answer came like a full stop behind a sentence. Defeated, he hoped the older man would have said something more. Something that could help him in the wilderness of love in which he found him. As happened so often in the past, the older man guessed what was going on in his head.

“Love is delightful when it hits you, Michael. That’s what you make of it that counts. “

“What does Uncle suggest?”

“Do you see that butterfly there?” He pointed to a butterfly sitting on a flower and quivering.

“Yes, Uncle.”

“Go catch him.”

“I don’t have a chance, Uncle Sakkie.”

“If you want to, you can.”

“If I had a mesh, yes, Uncle.”

“Exactly. You can catch the butterfly. The question is, what do you do with the butterfly once you caught it.” Silence followed, uncle Sakkie waited for an answer.

“I can put the butterfly in a bottle,” Michael thought aloud.

“And take care of her, yes? The moment you catch her, that butterfly is your responsibility. Day in and day out, you are responsible for her happiness and her life. Do you see a chance for that? “

“I think I’d rather have him stay in nature, Michael stated sadly.”

“Exactly. At a distance, the butterfly is stunning and pretty. You can look, longing to touch if you can. Touch the butterfly lightly, with a passion, Michael. And then one day, when the time is right, there may be another butterfly that is just as elegant or the same butterfly you see there. Then you can catch her and bring her into your home, and you and your gorgeous butterfly can enjoy the sweet nectar of love. “



Mattheus Frederik
Mattheus Frederik

Written by Mattheus Frederik

Experience in Explosives, Fertilizers, Heavy Chemicals and Author. Love People, High Tech, Space and Afrikaans/English Translator.

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