As ek maar kon wees waar jy is?
Waar is jy nou op die oomblik?
Of is jy net in my drome?
Al is jy nie hier nie, is jy altyd
Net ‘n hartklop van my af.
Ek is verlore sonder jou,
Ek weet nie waar jy is nie.
Ek bly luister, ek bly hoop,
Maar ons lewens het uitmekaar geval.
Is daar ‘n manier waarop ek jou kan vind,
Of ‘n teken wat ek moet oplet,
Is daar ‘n pad wat ek moet volg?
Om jou terug te bring na my toe?
Die winterkoue lê voor my
Nou is jou warmte so ver weg.
Maar in die duisternis van my droom
Sal jy aanhou om jou lig te laat skyn.
As ek maar net naby jou kon wees
As ek kon wees waar jy is
As ek na jou kan uitreik en aanraak
Sal ek jou terugbring huis toe
As daar net ‘n aanduiding was
En die teken wat ek moet herken
En die roete wat ek moet volg
Om jou die pad huistoe te wys?
If I could be where you are
Where are you this moment?
Only in my dreams.
You’re missing, but you’re always
A heartbeat from me.
I’m lost now without you,
I don’t know where you are.
I keep watching, I keep hoping,
But time keeps us apart.
Is there a way I can find you,
Is there a sign I should know,
Is there a road I could follow
To bring you back home?
Winter lies before me
Now you’re so far away.
In the darkness of my dreaming
The light of you will stay.
If I could be close beside you
If I could be where you are
If I could reach out and touch you
And bring you back home
Is there a way I can find you
Is there a sign I should know
Is there a road I can follow
To bring you back home to me?