Si la Juventud supiera.
Remember, Anastasia love,
The eventide there at the beach,
My heart is an open message to you,
Your fingers in my hand?
The moonlight caressed the sea,
The sea, the beach-still burning -
And we what else could we do?
Can we ever misremember that?
Cherie Anastasia, you forgot
The lesson in Afrikaans?
The best language we knew,
The time in old Spain
And to my happiness secret
Were you the golden sun;
“Siempre el Amor “ was our interpreter;
Remember Anastasia?
Sweet Anastasia, you can still remember
Our time of pleasant freshness?
The mind with its oceans azure,
Your eyes shone cerulean in it?
The deep green pine forest
Was love celebration -
Love Cafe, the youth of gold,
And you-you to come again!
And, Anastasia, you still remember
The sanctuary of the Swan?
The ocean and the innocent laugh
At the blazing summer moon?
Bank of roses, we represent two
(Was it a fantasy — who knows?)
White Swans on the Living Sea -
Can we ever overlook that?
But once in a lifetime
Love unmatched; My garden flower
Absolute miracle rose.
Despair, unfortunately, my garden’s splendour -
Removed by the cheerless brook -
The foolishness blows my soul at night
And find me with my fantasy.
Oh, lips still giggling!
Oh, hearts that pound!
Still, shapes are ever-young
From the past.
“Siempre el Amor-Anastasia…” sing
Thoughts now scorching;
On fields of remembrance
Purple cherry bloom!